During the eighty-year history of Urgench state University, about 10 scientific schools were established with specific research principles and methods in various fields of science. Representatives of scientific schools together with leading universities and representatives of scientific schools of research institutions of the Republic laid the foundations for new directions in science, made a worthy contribution to the development of science and education of the country. Information about the scientific schools established at the University can be summarized as follows:
1. 01.01.01-mathematical analysis. Sadullayev Azimboy, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, academician, 12 candidates of Sciences, 2 doctors of Sciences. Supervises 1 senior research associate and 1 independent researcher.
2. 01.01.02-differential equation. Hasanov Aknazar, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, 11 candidates of Sciences, 1 doctor of Sciences. 29.12.2015 defends 1 doctor of Sciences.
3. 08.00.02-Macroeconomics. Dosanov of Tangriberganov, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor. He prepared 11 candidates of science. Manages 2 independent applicants.
4. 10.00.01-the Uzbek language. Gasimov Saribai, doctor of Philology, Professor, has prepared 10 candidates of Sciences. Supervises 2 independent applicants and 1 senior researcher-applicant.
5. 10.01.09-Folklore. Abdullayev Hamdam, doctor of Philology, Professor, prepared 13 candidates of science. 2. he directs a senior researcher-applicant.
6. 10.01.09-Folklore. Ruziboev Superboy, doctor of Philology, Professor, has prepared 10 candidates of Sciences. 1. directs an independent researcher.
The announcement of the thesis Abdullayev of AMINOA of HOLMIRZAEVA for the degree of doctor of philosophy ( PhD )
Thesis topic, specialty code (the name of the branch of science in which the degree is awarded): "economic and geographical features of the development and placement of the food industry (on the example of the Khorezm region)", 11.00.02-economic and social geography (geographical Sciences).
Thesis subject registration number: V2017. 1.FD/G3.
Supervisor: Kayumov Abduhakim Abdukhamidova, doctor of geographical Sciences, Professor.
The name of the institution where the dissertation was performed: Urgench state University.
The name of the institutions in which the IC operates, the IP number: national University of Uzbekistan, DSC.27.06.2017.G. G. 01. 06. 06.
Official opponents: Komilova Nilufar Karshibaeva, doctor of geographical Sciences; Egamberdiev Farmecul Tursunkulova, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor. Leading organization: Nukus state pedagogical Institute.
Direction of dissertation: theoretical and practical significance.
Announcement of the thesis of Abdullayev ILYES Sultanovich for the degree of doctor of science (DSc
Dissertation topic, specialty cipher (branch of science with a degree): "improvement of mechanisms of optimal regulation of the regional economic system", 08.00.06-Econometrics and statistics (economic Sciences).
Thesis subject registration number: V2017. 1.DSC/Ikt1
Scientific consultant: Ruzmetov Bakhtiar, doctor of Economics, Professor.
The name of the institution where the dissertation was performed: Urgench state University.
The name of the institution in which the IC works, the IC number: Tashkent state University of Economics, DSC.27.06.2017.I. General provisions 16. 01.
Official opponents: Alimov Raimjon Khakimovich, doctor of Economics, Professor;
Xotamov opened Kurbanovich, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor;
Egamberdiev Farmecul Tursunkulova, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor.
Leading organization: Tashkent financial Institute.
Direction of dissertation: theoretical and practical significance.
Announcement of the dissertation of doctor of philosophy (PhD) NORBAEVA SHUKURJON KHAYITBAEVNA
Dissertation topic, specialty cipher (the name of the branch of science in which the degree is awarded): "structural and semantic revision of clothing names of Khorezm Chevaliers", 10.00.01-Uzbek language (Philological Sciences).
Thesis subject registration number: B2017. 1.FD / Fil19.
Scientific supervisor: Gasimov Saribay, doctor of philological Sciences, Professor.
The name of the organization where the dissertation was performed: Urgench state University.
The name of the institution in which the IC operates, the IC number: Tashkent state University of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi, DSC.27.06.2017.Elephant.January 19.
Official opponents: Kurbanova Muhabbat Matjakubova, doctor of philological Sciences, Professor; Shoira Usmanova Rustamovna, doctor of philological Sciences.
Leading organization: Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
Direction of dissertation: theoretical and practical significance.
Announcement of Davletov sanzharbek RAZHABOVICH's dissertation for the degree of doctor of science (DSc
Dissertation topic, specialty code (the name of the branch of science in which the degree is awarded): "ecological situation in Uzbekistan in the second half of the XX-early XXI century and its social problems", 07.00.01-history of Uzbekistan (historical Sciences).
Thesis subject registration number: V2017. 1.DSC / Tar5.
The name of the institution where the dissertation was performed: Urgench state University.
Scientific consultant: Alimova dilina Agzamovna, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor.
The name of the institutions in which the IC operates, the IP number: national University of Uzbekistan, Karakalpak scientific research Institute of social Sciences, CJSC.27.06.2017.On minors.01.04.
Official opponents: Rasulov Abdulla Nuritdinovich, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor; Oblamurodov Naim Halimovich, doctor of historical Sciences; Aimbetov Nagmet Kallievich, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor.
Leading organization: Nukus state pedagogical Institute.
Direction of dissertation: theoretical and practical significance.
Announcement of the thesis of Sultanov Murojon KILICHOVICH for the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD)
Dissertation topic, specialty code (the name of the branch of science in which the degree is awarded): "modern geographical methods of soil salting research of Khorezm region", 11.00.01-natural geography (geographical Sciences).
Thesis subject registration number: V2017. 2.FD/G15.
Supervisor: Safarov Escobal Yuldashevich, doctor of technical Sciences.
The name of the institution where the dissertation was performed: national University of Uzbekistan.
The name of the institutions in which the IC operates, the IP number: national University of Uzbekistan, DSC.27.06.2017.G. G. 01. 06. 06.
Official opponents: Nigmatov Askar Nigmatullaevich, doctor of geographical Sciences, Professor; Abdullayev Ilkhom Khatamovich, candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor.
Leading organization: research Institute of soil science and Agrochemistry. Direction of dissertation: theoretical and practical significance.