U. Rajabova, Ph.D., a teacher of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics...
Read more- University
- Academic Council
International relations
- International projects and scholarships
- Visa information
- International partner universities
- Internationalization strategy
- Structure of department of International relations
- Directions of the joint educational program
- International conferences and meetings
- Information service
- MCOLE //= Yii::t('app', 'Joint education program') ?> //= Yii::t('app', 'Admission of International students') ?> University recruitment
- Visiting scholars
- Start-up procedure
- Youth work and spiritual and educational activities
Information service
- News
- Events
- Photo gallery
- Contact information service //= Url::to(['news/videos']) ?> //= Yii::t('app', 'Video lessons') ?>
- Applicant
//= Yii::t('app', 'Abiturient mandat natijalari (Kunduzgi)') ?>
//= Yii::t('app','New')?>
//= Yii::t('app', 'Abiturient mandat natijalari (Sirtqi / Masofaviy)') ?>
//= Yii::t('app','New')?>
//= Yii::t('app', 'List of applicants participating in professional (creative) exams') ?>
////= Yii::t('app','New')?>
- Applicant 2024/2025
- SCHEDULE of professional (creative) examinations for admission to the academic year 2024/25
- Results of professional (creative) exams - 24/2025
- Proceedings of the Appeals Commission
- Results of the professional creative examination for the blind for the academic year 2024 / 25
- Applicant 2022/2023
- Applicant 2023/2024
- New directions of education
- Entrance scores
- Magistratura 2023/2024
- Attention applicants who wish to apply to institutions of graduate and post-secondary education!
- Master's degree 2024/2025
- Master's degree 2022/2023
- Master's degree 2021/2022
Transfer study
//= Yii::t('app', "O'qishni ko'chirish 2022/2023 - kasbiy(ijodiy) imtihonlar natijalari") ?>
//= Yii::t('app','New')?>
- Second higher education 2024/2025
- Employees with 5 years of experience 2022/2023
- Employees with 5 years of experience 2021/2022
- Distribution of admission parameters for the second and subsequent higher education for the academic year 2023/2024 according to the form of part-time education by educational directions and languages of instruction
- Second higher education 2023/2024
- Admission from technical school 2024/25
- second higher education, 5 years of experience, joint education
- Results of entrance examinations in the specialty of the basic doctorate of Urgench State University
- Questions of entrance tests for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in specialties
- Doctor's degree results have been announced
- Results of the trainee researchers exam
- The distribution of admission quotas for 2024 in the system of training of scientific personnel at the expense of state budget funds by scientific and educational organizations
- A set of questions for admission to basic doctoral study and research internship ( 2024 )
- The results of the 2024 entrance exams for basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies and research trainees at Urganch State University
- Scientific & Innovative Activities
International students
- Admission of international students
- Security of international students
- Dormitory for international students
- University through the eyes of foreign students
- One-year tuition fee contract amount for foreign students (undergraduate)
- One-year tuition fee contract amount for foreign students (master's degree)
//= Url::to(['/site/about']) ?>
//= $document[$title] ?>
//= $doc1[$title] ?>
//= $doc2[$title] ?>
//= Url::to(['/site/normative']) ?>
//= $doc3[$title] ?>
//= $inter[$title] ?>
//= $int['url'] ?> //= $int[$name] ?>