COMSTECH Secretariat announces scholarships and short-term internshi...
The COMSTECH Secretariat is the youngest member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Read morCOMSTECH Secretariat announces scholarships and short-term internshi...
The COMSTECH Secretariat is the youngest member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Read morREC "Kuzbass" launches a competition to find youth initiatives aimed...
ANO "KuZbass Scientific and Educational Center" with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kuzbass, the Ministry of Natural Resou...
Read morList of documents to be submitted for the badge "Leader of Innovativ...
List of documents to be submitted for the badge "Leader of Innovative Ideas"
Read morAbout the organization and holding the Olympiad on Computer science ...
Graduates of secondary schools can register for the Olympiad in Urgench State University in the field of Computer science and information technology by the followin...
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