  • Колл-центр

  • Расписание

  • Экзаменационное

  • Виртуальная

  • Заявку на вакансию

Встречи ректора УрГУ с прикрепленной к нему молодежью Ургенчского района продолжаются

In particular, the rector B. Abdullayev, the first vice-rector of the university D. Ibadullayev, the adviser to the rector R. Sharipov and the deputy deans of the faculties met with the underprivileged young people living in the "Orta Dorman" neighborhood of Urgench district and their parents.

During the meeting, the issues of young people finding their place in life, further increasing their social activity and directing them to the profession were discussed. Opinions of young people and parents were listened to, and tasks were determined to solve the problems that plagued them.

Recommendations were also made to direct the youth of the neighborhood to the profession, to involve them in learning foreign languages, to ensure their employment and to meaningfully organize their free time.
