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About Activity of Book-keeping department of URSU

The university Book-keeping department conducts the following activities:

  • On statement and conducting accounting of the university for receiving by the interested internal and external users of full and reliable information about its financial and economic activity and a financial position.
  • Forms according to the legislation on bookkeeping the accounting policies proceeding from specifics of conditions of managing, structure, the sizes, branch accessory and other features of activity of the university allowing to obtain in due time information for planning, the analysis, control, estimates of a financial position and results of activity of the university.
  • On preparation and the statement of working book of accounts of the accounting containing synthetic and analytical accounts, forms of primary registration documents applied to registration of economic operations, forms of internal accounting reports; on providing an order of carrying out inventory and assessment of property and obligations, documentary confirmation of their existence, a state and assessment; on the organization to the system of internal control of correctness of registration of economic operations, observance of an order of document flow.
  • With formation of an information system of accounting and the reporting according to requirements of accounting, tax, statistical and management accounting, provides providing necessary accounting information to internal and external users.
  • Conducts work on maintaining registers of accounting on the basis of use of modern information technologies, progressive forms and methods of account and control; on accounting of property, obligations, fixed assets, material and production stocks, money, financial, settlement and credit transactions, financial results of activity of the organization.

Book-keeping department provides:

  • Timely and exact reflection on accounts of accounting of economic operations, the movement of assets, formations of income and expenses, implementation of obligations.
  • Timely transfer of taxes and fees in republican, regional and local the budget, insurance premiums in the public off-budget social foundations, payments in credit institutions, funds for financing of capital investments, repayment of debts on loans; control of expenditure of wage fund, the organization and correctness of calculations for compensation of workers, carrying out inventories, order of conducting accounting, the reporting and also carrying out documentary audits in divisions of the organization.
  • Takes part in carrying out the financial analysis and formation of tax policy on the basis of data of accounting and the reporting, in the organization of internal audit; prepares the offers directed to improvement of results of financial activity of the organization, elimination of losses and not productive expenses.

Conducts work on ensuring compliance with financial and cash discipline, legality of write-off from accounts of accounting of shortages, receivables and other losses.