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         Department of Supervision of the Quality of Education at Urgench State University is established in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Presidential Decree №-515 in paragraph 14th “On the establishment of the State Inspection on the Supervision of the Quality in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” on 18 July, 2017.

           Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and “National Program of Personnel Training” and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for further development of the higher education system” in accordance with the requirements of the decree № PQ-2909 on 20 April, 2017. To improve the quality of education to a high level in accordance with the requirements of reforms in the social and economic spheres, as well as to further improve the quality of education in the system of continuous education, for the purpose of implementing public policy in the area of control over the quality of staff training and the impartial assessment of the effectiveness of the teaching process “On the organization of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality of Education in front of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved and dated with the decree numbered 515 on 18 July, 2017.

         This department, which is part of the University, operates under the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, National Program for Personnel Training, decisions of the Oliy Majlis members of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the state inspection and the rector's orders and legal instructions, as well as the provisions of this chapter. There are 3 employees (head of the department and 2 senior specialist members) appointed and dismissed on the recommendation of the head of the State Inspection within the structure of the department.

           About departmental issues, problems, information about the deficiencies, and the proposals are regularly reported to the Rector of University and the State Inspection.

          The main purpose of the department is to study the activities of foreign and leading educational establishments, making and creating recommendations in order to improve the quality of education, to analyze the opportunities of university students’ knowledge according to educational standards, monitoring the quality of personnel training, organization of internal certification of the university and to identify the factors that adversely affect the quality of education according to the results and their elimination and preventive measures.

The main responsibilities of the department.

The main responsibilities of the department are:

  • analysis and expertise of educational directions and specialties with state educational standards (SES), qualification requirements, curriculum and science programs;
  • studying the quality of the educational process at the university, its availability of educational literature and teaching materials;
  • to study and analyze the relevance of university student knowledge to SES;
  • implementation of normative and legal acts aimed at improving the quality of education;
  • monitoring the quality of staff training;
  • organization of internal certification of the university, identifying factors that affect the quality of education according to the results, submitting information to the university rector and the State Inspectorate;
  • control over the timely elimination of deficiencies identified during the attestation, examination of the quality of education;
  • monitoring the status of indicators that determine the quality of education and making recommendations to the relevant structural subdivisions on identified problems and shortcomings;
  • to analyze the effectiveness of modern methods and techniques in the professional development of professors and teachers to improve the quality of education;
  • in order to determine the level of professional qualification of pedagogical staff in the structural units of the university (faculty, department, department, center, academic lyceum), as well as to determine the quality level of postgraduate education and retraining, making suggestions to the management of the university on preparation of analytical information, defining deficiencies and problems;
  • to analyze the university professor-teachers background data of the relevant subject(s) in accordance with the relevant subject(s) or retraining or appropriate academic degree, academic degree, to do so;
  • monitoring the implementation of the academic process, research and scientific-methodological work of the university;
  • analysis of the material and technical base of the educational process, making recommendations on its development and improvement;
  • controlling the effectiveness of student practice in the university, taking into account the educational trends and specializations;
  • participation in the process of collecting information on the assessment and evaluation of the university's ranking based on the order of the State Inspectorate, conducting attestation and examination of the quality of education;
  • assessment of honesty, transparency and quality of points by analyzing students' knowledge assessment process;
  • conducting sociological surveys of students, parents, faculty members and labor consumers on a regular basis to study the social environment of the university, staff training and quality of education;
  • studying the experience of prominent educational and scientific centers of foreign countries developed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “El yurt umidi” fund, international projects and universities, and introducing them with the university educational process;
  • to participate actively in the development of the university rankings at the international level and jointly with the leadership of the higher educational establishments to ensure its implementation;
  • conducting training seminars and trainings in order to improve the quality of education in collaboration with relevant university structural subdivisions;
  • establishment of public expert base in Urgench State University and regularly hold seminar workshops within the framework of assigned tasks;
  • monitoring the integration of educational process and production, the application of innovative ideas, development and technology;
  • to provide information on the results of the study and monitoring of the work carried out by the department to improve the quality of education at the University Council, roundtables and conferences;
  • submit proposals to university management on the basis of learning outcomes;
  • establishment of partnerships with the top 1000 world universities, and implementing strategic development plans of the University.