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Scientific-theoretical seminar of the Head of the Department of Fruits and Vegetables of Urganch State University, Associate Professor Sadullayev Sanjarbek on the topic of morphologic and biological properties

In the lecture, the speaker talked about the batonic definition of vegetables, Vegetable crops are a group of cultivated plants that are grown mainly for the production of vegetables. More than 120 cultivated species are known. 90 species belonging to 10 families are widespread. Vegetable crops are cabbages (cabbage, turnips, radishes, radishes, etc.), cruciferous vegetables (carrots, celery, parsley, dill, etc.), sauerkrauts (beets, etc.), squashes (cucumbers, watermelons, melons, pumpkins), tomatoes (tomatoes, eggplant, pepper), legumes (mushrooms, peas, beans), cruciferous vegetables (lettuce, etc.), onions (onions, garlic, onions), sorghums (carrots, sorrel) are divided into botanical families. Onions and spikelets belong to monocotyledonous plants, and the rest to dicotyledonous plants. Vegetable crops are divided into one-year (cucumber, tomato, pepper, eggplant), two-year (carrot, cabbage, onion, garlic, etc.) and perennial (scallion, sorrel, etc.) crops according to the type of duration of growth and development. According to the productive organs (edible part) into 5 groups: root vegetables (carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes), bulbs (onions, garlic), fruit vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, watermelons, melons, etc.), leafy vegetables vegetables (cabbage, dill, spinach, celery, parsley), legumes (green peas, beans, chickpeas). In two-year vegetable crops, in the first year, the fruit organs used for food ripen. In the 2nd year, they give seeds (onions, garlic, cabbage, etc.). Most vegetable crops are heat-loving, demanding on soil fertility and moisture (see also Vegetables). Vegetable crops are grown in all agricultural regions of the world.During the lecture, they asked students questions they did not understand about the topic and answered questions. In this way, the professors and teachers of the department asked the speaker and the student with the questions they were interested in, and the seminar was full of questions and in an upbeat spirit.
