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Scientific-theoretical seminar on the biology of rooted vegetables by the senior teacher of the Department of Fruit and Vegetables, Urganch State University Durdiyev. Kamil

K. Durdiyev gave a lecture on "Biology of root vegetables". root vegetables - crops (vegetables) whose edible part (fruit) is in the root; Sershira is planted for its root, i.e. its rhizome. Many I. are food and fodder crops. One-year I. includes radish, two-year I. includes carrots, beets, turnips, rutabagas, parsley, celery, radishes. The two-year-old I. produces a tuber in the first year of sowing, and in the second year it produces a tuber and seeds. The fruit of I. is distinguished by being extremely large, for example, the weight of the Japanese radish reaches 16-30 kg, the length of the lower leaves reaches 1 m. Sugar (sugar beet, rutabaga), inulin, starch (resin), vitamins (carrot, turnip, radish) are stored in roots. I. They said that well-cultivated, fertile, and sufficient land with sufficient irrigation yields abundant crops.
Processing of fruits and vegetables:
Root vegetables contain carbohydrates and nutrients. there will be a lot of extractive substances that give color and smell.Carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, and radishes are often used as root vegetables. After these vegetables are sorted, they are washed from the topsoil and the skin is thinly peeled with a knife or scraper, then they are washed in cold running water and cut into the desired shapes according to the type of food. Vegetables with roots can be cut into straws, slices, cubes, slices, as well as using a knife or special tools in a complicated way into stars, crowns, roses, flowers of various shapes in nature, and spirals. These slicing methods are mainly used in food decorationIn this way, the theoretical training took place in a high spirit. In this way, the professors and teachers of the department asked the speaker and the student with the questions they were interested in, and the seminar was full of questions and in a high spirit.
