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BukhSU team at Urgench State University...


Educational - methodical - scientific tour

A team consisting of management, professors and talented students of Bukhara State University visited Urgench State University.

During this educational-methodical-scientific tour, it was planned to conclude an agreement between the departments of UrSU and BukhSU, covering mutual cooperation in the educational and scientific sphere, as well as spiritual-educational direction, exchange of experience on all fronts.

Today, at the meeting organized in the Spirituality room of the university, S.Khodjaniyozov and R.Jumayev, vice-rectors for educational affairs of both universities, spoke about the purpose of this tour and the expected results.

The meeting was attended by all vice-rectors of UrSU, heads of departments. The guests were given a presentation on Urgench State University and the organization of the educational process in it. Mutual experience was exchanged.

