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The Council of young scientists under Urgench State University has been established since January 3, 2019 and its composition has been formed. The council was established in order to increase the effectiveness of the University's scientific work and create innovations by combining professors and teachers with scientific degrees of scientist (PhD and candidate of Science) who are doing scientific work (to protect the dissertation of Doctor of science).

The Charter of the Council of young scientists was developed and approved by the rector of the University. The council is a public organization that unites scientific, scientific and pedagogical activities of young scientists and specialists under the age of 40 in a free manner, deals with the issues of practice of production of effective aspects of modern advanced scientific and technical achievements, as well as implementation in the educational process. The main tasks of the council are as follows:

- to ensure more active and effective scientific-technical, cultural-educational and socio-political activities of young scientists and specialists;

- to ensure active participation of young scientists and specialists in scientific and technical processes at the Republican and international level;

- conducting round tables, seminars and practical trainings to increase the potential of young scientists and specialists;

- development of scientific-theoretical and practical basis of scientific and technical achievements of young scientists and specialists, creation of conditions for effective implementation of their aspects;

- establishment of strong cooperation in scientific and technical qualification and creative activities of students of academic lyceums, colleges and universities;

- to widely promote the achievements of young scientists in the media, organize cooperation with organizations.

Today, the total number of members of the council is 27, among which the chairman of the council is the chairman of the Department of “Tourism” of the Faculty of Tourism and economics.the f.what?, dots.D.Khudayberganov, Secretary of the council PhD, Senior Lecturer of the department “theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan” at the Faculty of history.N.Y.Annaeva and the rest are considered members. The council works and obeys the instructions of the PRoR on scientific works and innovations.

7 of the members of the council are searching for the defense of the DSi – doctor of science dissertation, 12 of them have the scientific degree of the PhD – doctor of philosophy and the remaining members have the scientific degree of the candidate of science. A working plan of the Council of young scientists for 2019 has been developed and a meeting is held every two months in accordance with this plan.

Ensuring the approval and implementation of the work plan approved by the council, ensuring the implementation of scientific works and innovations of young scientists, active participation in state grants and projects, protection of the dissertation for the scientific degree of the doctor of science (DSi), ensuring active participation in international projects, placing and updating the messages, news and information of the council on the - Such issues as contributing to the implementation of the state program” year of active investment and social development", as well as listening to the annual report will be discussed.

Also, the calendar plan for 2019 year of scientific and theoretical seminars, which will be held by the Council of young scientists, has been developed and approved. According to him, the young scientist, who is a member of the council, is determined to conduct scientific and theoretical seminars within the framework of his scientific work. Scientific seminars are held twice a month.