Student Services:
The university has a department of teaching methods, the department of credit management of education, the department of students, student housing, public catering, information and resource centers, sports clubs.
Accommodation and meals and prices:
Urgench State University has 6 dormitories, including №1-2-3-4-5 dormitories in Urgench city, #14, str H. Olimjon, № 6 dormitories in Gurlan str, is located in the 1st house area. Due to the increasing demand for student housing, the dormitory has been equipped with an additional bed for 4 students. As a result, the capacity of student housing has reached 2,334 today. The university has all the conditions for students living in dormitories. In particular, there are 2 kitchens on each floor of the building, each kitchen is equipped with 2 electric stoves, 2 two-chamber refrigerators and a 20-liter automatic water boiler, which is uninterruptedly supplied with electricity. The kitchens are equipped with tables and chairs. The kitchens meet all the sanitary requirements. According to the agreement with the regional sanitary-epidemiological center, disinfection is carried out twice a week by the staff of the center. Due to the pandemic, it is now monitored that foreign students live in student dormitories and that they follow quarantine rules and recommendations. Student dormitories are regularly cleaned with 0.5% chlorine solution. According to the decision of the Rector's Council of the University, the monthly fee for student accommodation is set at 100,000 soums. There is a library, a fitness club, a computer room, an art and sewing club for students in the dormitory.
Student Financial Support:
It is regulated by the Regulation "On the order of appointment and payment of scholarships to students of higher education institutions", approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on January 31, 2020 No. 59. (
Medical services:
On the campus of Urgench State University, 2 doctors and 3 nurses (on duty) are supervised by the Urgench City Medical Association in order to monitor the health of students on a regular basis. The dormitory is equipped with 1 medical room and 10 different hygiene items. The students' medical center was provided with 27 essential medicines. At the initiative of the rector of the university, a new modern ultrasound machine was purchased, which, together with the staff and doctors of the Medical Association, monitors the health of girls and boys every six months.
Conditions for students with disabilities and special needs:
There is a system of assistance to students with disabilities and special needs. The University provides financial assistance in accordance with Clause 68 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, taking into account family circumstances and the need for treatment and medication. The Urgench State University dormitory accommodates 14 students with disabilities and has a separate living room, bathroom and toilet. Students with disabilities have free group accommodation for students with group 1 eye disease, and a 50% discount for students with group 2 and 3 disabilities. Currently, 12 orphans live in the dormitory. They are also 100% exempt from the monthly dormitory fee. Students with disabilities who have difficulty walking are provided with ramps to access the stairwells.
Learning environment:
Subject clubs:
There are regular sports clubs at the university. Conditions have been created for this. Students are interested in handball, volleyball, basketball, national wrestling, judo, belt wrestling, badminton, table tennis, chess, football, and athletics. The Rector's Cup competitions are held every month to promote sports among university students.
Under the motto "Youth - Sports Ambassador", students of the Faculty of Physical Culture in their free time organize sports competitions in schools and neighborhoods of cities and districts, where they live.
The Rector's Cup was held among young people in 17 sports, which was attended by about 2,000 students.
Opportunities to participate in international academic programs:
Practical information for participants of incoming mobility:
Classes are taught in Uzbek, Russian, English, German, French and Korean.
Organization of additional courses (specialties) at the university:
"UrDU Youth Co-working Center" - assistance in the implementation of business initiatives, startups, ideas and projects of young people, including the development of business plans, consulting, legal, accounting and other services, forums, master classes and the organization of seminars, as well as a complex designed to support the interests of young people on the basis of 5 initiatives.
Areas of activity of the co-working center:
• Working condition on youth business initiatives, startups,
• Supporting the interests of young people through 5 initiatives,
• Facilitate the implementation of youth ideas and projects,
• Business plan development,
• Consulting, legal services, accounting services,
• Organization of forums, master classes, seminars.
Workplace internship opportunities:
Every opportunity for graduate students to do internships in future jobs.
Sports and leisure opportunities:
Urgench State University has 3 indoor sports facilities, 1 tennis court, 2 football fields, 1 gymnastics field, 2 basketball courts, 2 volleyball courts, 2 mini football fields, 1 handball field, artificial mini football platform. The number of physical education classes is 6,783, including 3,221 women. The total number of extracurricular sports in the sports sections and departments is 1,749, including 711 women.
A "Fitness Club" was established in the dormitories No. 3 and 5. There are also table tennis tables in the dormitory No. 5, where students can practice in their spare time. Over the past period, sports inverters worth UZS have been purchased for the university sports complex.
Information resource center: