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Advanced training course

Advanced training course ...

admin 2022-09-30

According to the order of the Chairman of the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 26.01.2022 No. 01-01/12-13, in order to regularly improve the professional qualifications of state inspectors, the Urganch State University "Ecology and Lif...

The webinar on the topic:

The webinar on the topic: "Clasroom management strategies and techniques” was held for school teachers ...

admin 2022-02-17

The webinar was conducted for school teachers on February 17th, 2022 year by Sabirova Bernara, ESL teacher of the “English language and literature” department, Urgench State University. The webinar devoted to the topic: ” Clasroom management strategies and techniques” was he...

Quick Additional Information

Quick Additional Information ...

admin 2022-01-26

Based on the proposal of the Ministry of Health and Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service, the new strain of coronavirus infection is prevalent among children and young people in all higher (public, non-governmental, private and foreign branches) and vocational schools, academic...

Online webinar

Online webinar ...

admin 2022-01-25

On January 25 of this year, the teacher of the department "Uzbek Linguistics" Sh. Alimova spoke on "The importance of punctuation in reading literacy" in an online webinar organized by the National Center for International Research for Quality Assessment in Education for staff ...

Student tourism

Student tourism ...

admin 2021-10-07

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Created an innovative ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK on the subject

Created an innovative ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK on the subject "International financial relations". ...

admin 2021-04-22

An innovative ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK on the subject "International financial Relations" was created in collaboration with docent of the Department "Accounting and Audit" of the Faculty of Tourism and Economics of the Urgench State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Science...

Hurmatli talabalar va ota-onalar!

Hurmatli talabalar va ota-onalar! ...

admin 2020-08-20

Hurmatli talabalar va ota-onalar! 2020 yil 2 sentabrdan boshlab Urganch davlat universitetida yuqori kurs talabalari uchun barcha o‘quv mashg‘ulotlari dars jadvallariga muvofiq to‘liq MASOFALI tarzda davom ettiriladi. Buning uchun Internetda havola orqali UrD...

2019-2020 o‘quv yili bitiruvchilarining yakuniy davlat attestatsiyalarini o‘tkazish muddatlari

2019-2020 o‘quv yili bitiruvchilarining yakuniy davlat attestatsiyalarini o‘tkazish muddatlari ...

admin 2020-05-25

Urganch davlat universiteti bakalavriyat ta’lim yo‘nalishlari 2019-2020 o‘quv yili bitiruvchilarining yakuniy davlat attestatsiyalari  universitet masofaviy (onlayn) ta’lim tizimi ( da quyidagi muddatlarda  o‘tkazilishi rejalashtirildi: ...