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Scientific-methodical seminar of Atajanov Temur, an intern teacher of the Department of Fruit and Vegetables of Urganch State University, on the topic of teaching the technology of cultivation of rare European cabbage species in the form of a lecture using the fish skeleton method.

The head of the department S. Sadullaev spoke about the issue on the agenda and gave the floor to the teacher of the department T. Atajanov to start his lecture on the topic of teaching using the fish skeleton method in the form of a lecture on the technology of cultivation of rare European cabbage species.
    In his lecture, the speaker said that students of higher educational institutions in our Republic should deepen their knowledge on this topic, analyze solutions to problems in the field individually and in groups, and form decision-making skills, find some acceptable solutions for solving problems, and create he said that it consists in forming the qualification of introduction of developments into production. The "Fish skeleton" scheme provides an opportunity to express the entire scope (area) of the problem and to find its solution.
Develops the skills of systematic, creative, analytical observation
They get acquainted with the rules of drawing up a scheme.
In the upper part of the "bone" the problem within the problem is written, and in the lower part - the facts confirming that the problem within this problem actually exists.
They get into mini-groups, compare their schemes and make additions. Sums up the overall scheme.
