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Scientific-theoretical seminar of Bobojonov Otabek, intern teacher of the Department of Fruit and Vegetables, Urganch State University, on the technology of growing strawberries from berries in hydroponics greenhouses.

The head of the department S. Sadullaev spoke about the issue on the agenda and gave the floor to the assistant professor of the department O. Bobojonov to start his lecture on the topic of growing strawberries from berries in hydroponics greenhouses.In his lecture, the speaker said that students of higher educational institutions in our Republic should deepen their knowledge on this topic, analyze solutions to problems in the field individually and in groups, and form decision-making skills, find some acceptable solutions to solve problems, and create he said that it consists in forming the qualification of introduction of developments into production. In his presentation, the speaker told the students about the advantages of growing strawberries using the hydroponics method.
From Jumala: First, plants grow better because they don't have to take food from the soil and spend energy on it. All the energy of the strawberry is focused on fruiting. Secondly, it makes it easier to care for garden strawberries. It does not need traditional processing: loosening, weeding.
Thirdly, the presence of a hydroponic system prevents the root system from drying out; along with the strawberry solution, it is dosed with the necessary high humidity and oxygen. Strawberry fruits will be clean and of good quality. Fifth, harvesting is easy and fast because the plants are grown vertically or horizontally at certain heights. Any room can be adapted to install a hydroponic installation for growing strawberries, as long as it maintains the appropriate climatic conditions for continuous fruiting of strawberries.During the seminar, professors and teachers of the department addressed the speaker with questions they were interested in and received answers to their questions.
