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A farewell ceremony was held with the rector

In connection with the election of Rector of Urgench State University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Abdullayev Bakhrom Ismailovich as the Chairman of the Committee on Science, Education and Health Affairs of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, a farewell ceremony was held with the team.

Respected teacher, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor Abdullayev Bakhrom Ismailovich worked as a rector at Urgench State University for almost 10 years.

Due to the teacher's enthusiasm, tireless work and effective work during this period, there were positive changes in the science, education, potential of pedagogues, as well as in the material and technical base of the university at Urgench State University. 

During his activities, our teacher made a great contribution to the development of high-quality education of university students and youngsters into good personnel, and now We are sure that our teacher will work diligently for the development of science and contribute to the development of knowledge, high potential, and perfection of the youth of all Uzbekistan.  

At the team's farewell ceremony, professors and teachers of the university expressed warm thoughts to him, recognized his human qualities, and expressed sincere gratitude of the team members. Also, according to the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the chairman of the Committee on Science, Education and Health B.Abdullayev appointed S.Khodjaniyozov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the University as an acting rector of Urgench State University.
