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Good news

The internal presentation of the year, dedicated to the summary of the work and achievements of the Volleyball Federation of Uzbekistan in 2024, was held in the Palace of Culture of the Ministry of Affairs. The professor-teacher of Urgench State University, Ne'mat Rozmetov, was recognized for his work and was recognized as worthy of the nomination "The best coach of the year" in the field of volleyball. 

At this awarding ceremony, a student of the "Sports Games" Department, Faculty of Sports Activity, Pedagogy and Psychology, Urgench State University, Bahriniso Shavkatova was awarded the "Best Player of the Year" nomination in volleyball. She is the student of Ne'mat Rozmetov, the winner of the "Best Coach of the Year" nomination in the field of volleyball. 

On behalf of the university team, we sincerely congratulate our student and his teacher on this double success and wish them great success in their future studies and work, as well as in prestigious competitions!
