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University Council

On December 27 of this year, a summary meeting of the Council of Urgench State University was held that was dedicated to the results of 2024. 

The Council was held under the chairmanship of the acting rector of Urgench State University, S. Khodjaniyozov, and with the participation of Council members. Initially, acting rector S. Khodjaniyozov sincerely congratulated the university team on the new year 2025. He recognized the results achieved in 2024 and spoke about the priorities of the university team in the "Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy.".

At the beginning of the meeting, PhD diplomas were awarded to 2 professors and teachers who received scientific degrees approved by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission. Also, the students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology and their teachers, who took pride of place in the international Olympiad on foreign languages, were recognized and presented with certificates.

A group of professors, teachers, and employees of Urgench State University were recognized for their exemplary and selfless services in 2024 and were awarded honorary certificates and souvenirs.

After that, the 5th meeting of the Council heard information and reports on the issues on the agenda, and the Council meeting concluded its work after the elections and discussion of various issues.
