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An international mathematics center will be established at UrSU in cooperation with the Beijing International Mathematics Scientific Research Center

Today, an online meeting of Urgench State University management was held with academician Tian Gang, director of Beijing International Mathematical Research Center, Beijing University of the People's Republic of China, and professors of this research center.

At the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee on Science, Education and Health Affairs of the Oliy Majlis B.Abdullayev, the professor of the University of California, USA, Z.Ibragimov, the acting rector of the Urgench State University, S. Khodzhaniyazov, vice-rector for international relations G. Orazboyev, vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations Z. Ibragimov and other officials participated.

During the meeting, in cooperation with the Urgench State University and the Beijing International Mathematical Research Center, the establishment of an international mathematics center at UrSU, the effective implementation of the center's activities, and the work to be carried out there were thoroughly discussed and agreements were reached.

