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A seminar was organized for tutors

Today, on January 4, a seminar was organized in the Palace of Culture of Urgench State University to improve the knowledge and skills of tutors of higher education institutions in Khorezm region. The seminar was opened by the acting rector of Urgench State University, S. Khodzhaniyazov, with an introduction. 

In this seminar, Z. Sadullayev, head of the secretariat of the Khorezm regional government, G. Ashirova, head of the Khorezm regional department of the Women's Rehabilitation and Adaptation Center, D. Ibadullayev, the first vice-rector of Urgench State University, practicing psychologist M. Avezova, prevention inspector D. Sapayev and other higher education institutions in the higher education system lectures were given on topics such as improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, creating a personal page in the HEMIS information system, cooperation with tutors in forming a psychological portrait of students, and protecting women from oppression and violence.
