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Certificates were awarded to the participants of the seminar-training

On January 23, special certificates were awarded to the participants who actively participated in the 3-day seminar-training organized at Urgench State University with the participation of professors of Ulster University of Great Britain and Kostanay State University named after A.Baytursunov of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Those who took part in this seminar-training had modern knowledge and practical experience in teaching a foreign language and mastered practical training and theoretical knowledge related to the field. 

At the event, acting rector of the university S. Khodjaniyozov recognized the activity of all the participants and ceremoniously presented them with certificates confirming their participation in the training. Foreign specialists who shared their knowledge and experience were expressed as the main support, souvenirs were presented and the desire to further develop cooperation relations was expressed.

These certificates serve as additional support for participants in their future activities.
