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Handball: the winners and prize-winners of the Cup of Uzbekistan have been determined

Handball: the winners and prize-winners of the Cup of Uzbekistan have been determined ...

admin 2023-05-13

On May 5-11, the Cup of Uzbekistan was held among men in handball in the city of Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan. During a week, the 7 strongest teams of our country competed against each other in a one-round system. The OKMK team of Olmaliq city, which ended all matches with victory, became...

A military sports competition

A military sports competition "Descendants of Jalaluddin Manguberdi" was held ...

admin 2023-05-10

Today, on May 10, a military sports competition "Descendants of Jalaluddin Manguberdi" was held in the sports halls of the university on the initiative of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan Urganch State University. Teams from all faculties of the university took par...

Within the framework of the

Within the framework of the "Student-Sports Ambassador" project, the work on popularizing sports among the youth of the ...

admin 2023-05-10

Today, on May 10, the first vice-rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational of UrSU S. Davletov met with the volunteer students of the Faculty of Physical Culture participating in the "Student-Sports Ambassador" project. At the meeting, in accordance with the purpose of this pro...

Uzbekistan volleyball championship is taking place

Uzbekistan volleyball championship is taking place ...

admin 2023-05-01

From April 28 to May 3 this year, the Championship of Uzbekistan among teenagers under 23 years of age is being held in the Khorezm region. Competitions for the championship among males are held in the sports halls of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Urganch State University. A total of 14 teams f...

"Rector's Cup" mini-football matches have started at UrSU ...

admin 2023-04-13

It is known that under the motto "Let's unite in sports competitions", the "Rector's Cup" competition is being held among students and youth in the Mini-football type of sport. Today, on April 13, the "Rector's Cup" competition in mini-football began at U...

"5000 steps for a healthy life" walking marathon was held ...

admin 2023-04-11

Sport is a guarantee of health. This word is not spoken pointlessly. Regular movements and sports exercises protect the human body from various diseases. Sports events are being held in order to create a healthy lifestyle in society, prevent diseases, attract large sections of the population, esp...

A master class was organized at Urganch State University with the participation of champions

A master class was organized at Urganch State University with the participation of champions ...

admin 2023-04-10

Today, at the summer sports field of Urganch State University, students studying at the Faculty of Physical Culture were trained by the World, Asian and Republican champions of the sport of wrestling, who taught the secrets of their skills to the students. During the master class, Gulyor Otajanov...

Khorezm region hosted the national football finals of Universiade sports competitions

Khorezm region hosted the national football finals of Universiade sports competitions ...

admin 2023-04-07

On April 5-7 of this year, the finals of the "Universiade" sports competition, which is traditionally held among students of higher educational institutions, were held in the Khorezm region. In the final, the winners of the regional stage of the competition, that is, the teams of Syrdar...