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The report-election meeting of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan was held at Urganch State University

It was attended by the first vice-rector of UrSU D. Ibadullayev, the chairman of the Khorezm regional council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan T. Jumaniyozov and the responsible employees of the region, deputy deans of the faculties for work with youth, tutors and students.

At the report-election meeting, the report of the current leader's activities during his career was heard and was unanimously considered satisfactory.

After that, the election of the following candidates for the leadership of the primary organization of the Urganch State University of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan was held:

▪Samandarov Abbas - current youth leader of the university;

▪Allaberganov Ogaboy  - chief specialist of the Department of Coordination of Student Accommodation;

▪Sabirov Azizbek is the youth leader of the Technical Faculty.

Among the three candidates, Samandarov Abbas was re-elected as the leader of the university with 96% of votes., Urganch davlat universitetida O'zbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi boshlang'ich tashkilotining hisobot-saylov yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tdi, Urganch davlat universitetida O'zbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi boshlang'ich tashkilotining hisobot-saylov yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tdi, Urganch davlat universitetida O'zbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi boshlang'ich tashkilotining hisobot-saylov yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tdi, Urganch davlat universitetida O'zbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi boshlang'ich tashkilotining hisobot-saylov yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tdi
