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Scientific and methodological seminar.

At the Department of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of Urgench State University, the head of the department is Ph.D. CM. Sadullaev conducted a scientific and methodological seminar.
Professor A. Rahimov spoke on the agenda and opened the meeting, after which Sadullaev S. in his lecture gave a lecture on the topic “Preservation of the melon gene pool, separation of varieties from export.” the dangers of melon, the preservation of the melon gene pool, the separation of varieties from export are explained, complete and detailed information is given on the effect of microelements on the human body, on melon varieties with long shelf life and their importance in the national economy. During the presentation, they explained their scientific work in videos, so the professors and teachers of the department asked the speaker and the student questions that interested them, and the seminar was full of questions and in high spirits.
