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We support a healthy lifestyle!

             This year, on December 27-28, dedicated to the "January 1-New Year" holiday, the University Trade Union Committee organized "University First" volleyball competitions with the participation of professors, teachers and workers. All professors, teachers and

 employees of the university actively participated in this competition held in connection with the holiday.

 According to the results of the competition among women:

Highest place: Faculty of Sports and Arts team;

1st place: the team of the Faculty of Foreign Philology;

2nd place: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences;

3rd place: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences team.


Among men:

Highest place: University national team;

 1st place: team of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics;

2nd place Pedagogical faculty team;

3rd place: team of Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.

          The Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, and the Department of Literary Studies actively participated in the volleyball competition dedicated to the "January 1 - New Year" holiday,

and among the winners, they were awarded valuable gifts from the Trade Union Committee of UrSU.
