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Scientific-methodological seminar of Urganch State University Associate Professor of the Department of Fruits and Vegetables Rahimov Azad on the subject of practical training in innovative methods of cucumber production

The head of the department S. Sadullaev spoke about the issue on the agenda and gave the floor to the assistant professor of the department A. Rakhimov to give a lecture on the effectiveness of practical training in small groups. In his lecture, the speaker said that students of higher educational institutions in our Republic should deepen their knowledge on this topic, analyze solutions to problems in the field individually and in groups, and form decision-making skills, find some acceptable solutions to solve problems, and create he said that it consists in forming the qualification of introduction of developments into production. This development will help students to acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills and high qualifications on the subject of "cucumber cultivation and preparation of products from it." In this, the active participation of the student is ensured, because during the lesson, mutual "discussion" with students, cases of solving "problems" together, and the use of interactive methods give the student the opportunity to test himself in every way.And by using these active methods, the teacher has students' participation in the lesson, the ability to quickly and correctly answer the questions asked by them, to make various suggestions for solving problems, to have the ability to learn about the studied subject. will have the opportunity to accurately and fully assess their practical skills.During the seminar, professors and teachers of the department addressed the speaker with questions they were interested in and received answers to their questions.
