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Scientific-theoretical seminar of Durdiyev Kamil, senior teacher of the Department of Fruit and Vegetables, Urganch State University, on the topic of vegetable crop rotation, planting periods and planting methods

Durdiyev.K gave a lecture on "Rotation of vegetable crops, planting dates and planting methods".The scientific basis of alternating planting of agricultural crops in fields over the years is called crop rotation. Crop rotation is the basis of all agrotechnical activities carried out in the fields. When it is properly organized, it increases soil fertility and crop yield. , provides a sharp reduction in weeds, pests and diseases.If a crop is grown in the same field for many years, it is called continuous cropping. If the farm mainly grows one crop, it is called monoculture. Mono is a Greek word meaning one. For example, if the wheat grown as a monoculture on the farm is replaced by a clean plow, its planting will be interrupted, but the monoculture will be preserved. The damage of chronic planting and monoculture is huge. If one crop is planted in the same field for many years, weeds, pests and diseases adapted to that crop will multiply. In this way, the professors and teachers of the department asked the speaker and the student with the questions they were interested in, and the seminar was full of questions and in an upbeat spirit.
