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An open lesson on "History of the Uzbek language" was held.

The teacher of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Faculty of Uzbek Philology of UrSU, Kh.Boymuratova, conducted an open lesson on "History of the Uzbek language" for the students of the 215th group.

The open lesson on the topic "Expression of numbers in Old Turkish language, types of pronouns" was conducted in an unconventional way using interactive methods such as "Venn diagram", "Continue", "Logical consistency", "Choose a match". During the lesson, students actively participated using modern pedagogical technologies and mastered the subject in depth.

The teachers of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Ph.D., were observers in the lesson. Sh. Alimova and G. Rozimova participated and expressed their opinions about the students' interest in the lesson process, their knowledge potential and their participation during the training.
