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A British Council specialist held a master class on the assessment system

In recent years, the British Council continues to support the cultural and creative fields within the framework of promoting projects for the development of the education system in Uzbekistan and popularizing learning English, as well as developing the ability to use foreign pedagogical methods among English teachers.

In particular, today, January 24, the speaker of the British Council, Aidan Holland, held a master class for English language teachers of the Urganch State University on the topic "Modern methods of assessing the level of English language proficiency of the British Council based on teaching and testing."

Teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Philology took part in this seminar and exchanged ideas, improved their knowledge and skills on the evaluation system. At the seminar, teachers divided into groups and expressed their opinions on the assessment system. In the end, the teachers were awarded with gifts by the members of the British Council., Britaniya Kengashi mutaxassisi baholash tizimi boʻyicha mahorat darsi oʻtdi, Britaniya Kengashi mutaxassisi baholash tizimi boʻyicha mahorat darsi oʻtdi, Britaniya Kengashi mutaxassisi baholash tizimi boʻyicha mahorat darsi oʻtdi
