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An online meeting was held between the university management and the South African University of Limpopo

On January 21 of this year, an online meeting was held between the leadership of Urgench State University named after Abu Rayhan Biruni and Limpopo University of South Africa. In it, acting rector S.Khodjaniyazov, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation G.Orazboyev, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovations Z. Ibragimov, Dean of the faculty of Social and economic sciences I.Abdullayev, Dean of the faculty of Foreign philology Z. Jumaniyazov, dean of the Natural and agricultural sciences faculty J. Rozimov participated.

In this meeting, the representatives of the university conducted negotiations on implement professor-teacher and student mobility programs in the fields of mathematics, computer science, economics, management, jurisprudence, history, linguistics, and agriculture also to establish scientific cooperation and scientific conferences. 

As a result of the negotiations, it was agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the universities in order to establish the above-mentioned cooperation relations.
