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Mobile reception: a mechanism for finding positive solutions to appeals

Today, January 23, a mobile reception was organized in the Palace of Culture, Urgench State University named after Abu Rayhan Biruni to study the problems of youth in Khorezm region, to find solutions to them, to listen to and support the proposals and initiatives of youngsters.

It was attended by responsible employees of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation; the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of Khorezm region; rectors of state and non-state higher education institutions of Khorezm region; students of higher education institutions in the region. They conducted a separate dialogue with each of the applicants and their parents to discuss and find a solution to their current problems in the field. 

During the proceedings, the acting rector of UrSU, S. Khodjaniyozov also participated and openly communicated with the youth. During the dialogue, questions and problems raised by youngsters were heard and practical solutions were proposed. Measures to support youth initiatives were also determined. In connection with the appeals, assignments were given to the relevant officials.

This event was the next important step aimed at increasing the social activity of young people, protecting their rights and interests, as well as providing them with comprehensive support.
