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On June 1, dedicated to the International Children's day, under the motto “A healthy family is the foundation of the future”, a sports competition was held for the types of Sports: “Hoops twirling, Football, Arm wrestling, Tug of war and Badminton”.

Today in the gym of the Physical Culture Faculty among professors, teachers, and staff of Urgench State University, on June 1, dedicated to the International Children's day, under the motto “A healthy family is the foundation of the future”, a sports competition held for the types of Sports: “Hoops twirling, Football, Arm wrestling, Tug of war and Badminton”. The participants of the competition tried hard for the first place. At the end of the competition, the winners were determined and according to it the Matyakubovs from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty took 1st place, the Ahmedovs from the Pedagogy Faculty took 2nd place and the Karimovs from the Information Technology Department took 3rd place. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams were awarded diplomas by the Urgench State University Sports Club and valuable prizes by the UrSU Trade Union Committee. Children of employees in several nominations were also awarded presents. The competition ended very interestingly and made a good impression on the children of the staff.;1-iyun Xalqaro bolalarni himoya qilish kuniga bag`ishlab “Sog’lom oila bu kelajak poydevori” shiori ostida sportning “Xalqa aylantirish, Futbol to’pi darvozaga, Armrestling, Arqon tortish va Badminton” turlari bo`yicha sport musobaqasi bo`lib o`tdi.;1-iyun Xalqaro bolalarni himoya qilish kuniga bag`ishlab “Sog’lom oila bu kelajak poydevori” shiori ostida sportning “Xalqa aylantirish, Futbol to’pi darvozaga, Armrestling, Arqon tortish va Badminton” turlari bo`yicha sport musobaqasi bo`lib o`tdi.;1-iyun Xalqaro bolalarni himoya qilish kuniga bag`ishlab “Sog’lom oila bu kelajak poydevori” shiori ostida sportning “Xalqa aylantirish, Futbol to’pi darvozaga, Armrestling, Arqon tortish va Badminton” turlari bo`yicha sport musobaqasi bo`lib o`tdi.;1-iyun Xalqaro bolalarni himoya qilish kuniga bag`ishlab “Sog’lom oila bu kelajak poydevori” shiori ostida sportning “Xalqa aylantirish, Futbol to’pi darvozaga, Armrestling, Arqon tortish va Badminton” turlari bo`yicha sport musobaqasi bo`lib o`tdi.;1-iyun Xalqaro bolalarni himoya qilish kuniga bag`ishlab “Sog’lom oila bu kelajak poydevori” shiori ostida sportning “Xalqa aylantirish, Futbol to’pi darvozaga, Armrestling, Arqon tortish va Badminton” turlari bo`yicha sport musobaqasi bo`lib o`tdi.
