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Creative exams. As you know, Urgench State University is in the process of passing professional (creative) exams for the 2021-2022 academic year

 In the 2021-2022 academic year, a total of 2246 documents of applicants were registered to the full-time and part-time education form of 13 Bachelor's degrees with professional (creative) examinations to Urgench State University.

✅ Members of the Examination Commission are invited from different regions of the Republic in order to ensure fair and equitable сonduct of creative examinations.  A team of artists with many years of experience is evaluating the fairness of the exam process.

✅ In the meantime, the examination processes are under the control of the public, with Deputies, school teachers, journalists and bloggers monitoring it directly and witnessing that it is fair and transparent.

✅ Special surveillance cameras are installed in each room where creative exams are held ( The examination process in each room is also recorded on video cameras, and if necessary, it is possible to view these videos.

✅ The results of the exam are regularly  being announced on the official website of the university ( and on the telegram network (

✅ The most important thing is that the rules of quarantine are strictly followed when conducting creative exams.,2021-2022-o‘quv yilida Urganch davlat universitetiga   o‘qishga kirish uchun kasbiy (ijodiy) imtihonlari mavjud bo`lgan 13 ta bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishlarining kunduzgi va sirtqi ta`lim shakliga jami 2246 nafar abituriyentlar hujjati ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazilgan.
