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Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education SM Buzrukhonov visited Urgench State University and held a reception with the participation of physical and juridical persons of Khorezm region

The reception was held on August 18, 2021 under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education S.M.Buzrukhonov, in accordance with a video conference of the statement No. 38 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev on July 23, 2021 "On measures to organize a completely new system of work with the population" , in order to discuss and identify solutions to the existing problems of students, applicants and parents of higher education institutions in Khorezm region.

Vice-rectors of Urgench State University, directors of vocational education institutions, deputy director of Urgench branch of TMA, deputy director of Urgench branch of TUIT, heads of departments and divisions of educational institutions and students of higher education institutions, applicants and their parents attended on it.

S.Khodjaniyazov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Urgench State University opened the reception with an introductory speech.

Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education S.M.Buzrukhonov  informed about the elimination of the systemic problems  and their causes that compel the population to address that is defined as the main task of government agencies and organizations at all levels by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the work carried out by the administration of the ministry in this regard.

During the visit, the Deputy Minister and Officials of Higher Educational Institutions provided specific answers and recommendations to the questions of citizens.

Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirining o‘rinbosari S.M.Buzrukxonov Urganch davlat universitetida bo`lib,  Xorazm  viloyatining jismoniy  va yuridik shaxslari  ishtirokida sayyor qabul o`tkazdi,Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirining o‘rinbosari S.M.Buzrukxonov Urganch davlat universitetida bo`lib,  Xorazm  viloyatining jismoniy  va yuridik shaxslari  ishtirokida sayyor qabul o`tkazdi

Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirining o‘rinbosari S.M.Buzrukxonov Urganch davlat universitetida bo`lib,  Xorazm  viloyatining jismoniy  va yuridik shaxslari  ishtirokida sayyor qabul o`tkazdi

Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirining o‘rinbosari S.M.Buzrukxonov Urganch davlat universitetida bo`lib,  Xorazm  viloyatining jismoniy  va yuridik shaxslari  ishtirokida sayyor qabul o`tkazdi

