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November 11 - Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan

November 11 - Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan ...

admin 2023-11-04

Today, November 4, "University Championship" sports competitions in chess, checkers and table tennis were held at Urganch State University. The competitions were dedicated to the holiday "November 11 - Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan". It was attended by professors, teachers...

The victory was recorded: our university team won the 1st place in Mini-football

The victory was recorded: our university team won the 1st place in Mini-football ...

admin 2023-11-04

Urganch State University team defending the honor of Khorezm region won the proud 1st place in mini-football at the Republican final round of the "Five Initiatives Olympiad" competitions held in Bukhara region. May the victory be blessed! ​ ...

Sport is a guarantee of health

Sport is a guarantee of health ...

admin 2023-11-04

Sport is a guarantee of health. This word is not spoken in vain. Regular movements, sports exercises protect the human body from various diseases. Early in the morning today, November 4, more than a thousand students of Urganch State University took an active part in the 5000 steps walking marath...

Sports competitions were held by Urganch State University under the slogan

Sports competitions were held by Urganch State University under the slogan "Educational institution-a center of spiritua ...

admin 2023-10-27

Today, on October 27, about 300 young people took part in sports competitions among the youth of the neighborhoods under the slogan "Educational institution-the center of spirituality for the neighborhood" on the sports fields of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies of UrSU. The competi...

Higher education and school cooperation

Higher education and school cooperation ...

admin 2023-10-27

A competition was organized in table tennis and mini-football as part of the cooperation of Urganch State University with schools, on October 27 of this year, the university management and the leaders of the primary organization, students of the specialized boarding school No. 96 and special boardin...

Urganch State University took the proud 1st place in the volleyball regional stage of the

Urganch State University took the proud 1st place in the volleyball regional stage of the "Five Initiatives Olympiad" ...

admin 2023-10-19

Today, in the sports complex "Youth" in the city of Urganch, the competitions of the regional stage of the volleyball sport of the second season of the "Five Initiatives Olympiad" in 2023 were held. In it, the teams of higher educational institutions of our region tried their bes...

"Institution Championship" sports competitions were held at UrSU ...

admin 2023-10-18

Today, on October 18, within the framework of the "Student League" sports competitions, the "Institution Championship" was held in the sports types such as badminton, workout, and streetball. Students from all faculties of the university participated in it. The competitions were ...

The opening ceremony of the new sports complex was held

The opening ceremony of the new sports complex was held ...

admin 2023-10-16

In order to support the sports activities of the students of Urganch State University and to create the necessary conditions at the university in this regard, the construction works of the 3-part sports complex on the territory of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies, located on "Mustaqillik&qu...