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Saparbayev Z., teacher of the Department of Fruit and Vegetables, Urganch State University, scientific-theoretical seminar "Technology of growing onion from seedlings using the method of "Venn diagram"

Today, there are 886.9 million people in the world. the soil is cultivated and agricultural products are grown on hectares of land. In 43.8 percent of it, new energy-saving, minimal and zero technologies and the technical means implementing them have been introduced. These modern technologies cost 118 mln. while maintaining the fertility of the soil on hectare areas, it allows to reduce the cost of the products grown on average by 25%. However, the biggest problem of the 21st century, the problem of food crisis, has arisen in the whole world and it is still going on.
The main causes of the problem:
1) 3.5 billion in the world in 1970. if the population lived, this is the current indicator
exceeded 7.5 billion. This indicator will reach 10 billion by 2050. They independently analyze the topic together with their group, ask the teacher about misunderstandings, and 20 minutes before the end of the lesson, the groups answer questions with each other and are evaluated.
  In this way, the professors and teachers of the department asked the speaker and the student with the questions they were interested in, and the seminar was full of questions and in an upbeat spirit.
Based on the above, the meeting of the department
