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Korean language teacher Temirbulatova Indira showed the best result from Topic

Temirbulatova Indira was born in 1987 in Kattakurgan city of Samarkand region. In 1994, she studied at specialized gymnasium №17 and graduated from it in 2005. During the school year period, she took part in olimpiads for 3 years on history and got 1st place. In 2005, she entered to the Institute of Foreign Languages in Samarkand to the faculty of Korean languages. In 2007, she was granted for professional development to Chungju, Southern Korea. In 2008, after finishing the program, she continued her education in Tejon at the University Peje in Southern Korea. In 2010, Indira entered to the University Chungnam in Tejon, which has higher international rating, for getting master degree and graduated it in 2013. In 2016, Indira began her career as a Korean language teacher at the Urgench State University and in 2017, she had fellowship program in Sunchon of Southern Korea. Indira Temirbulatova is founder of educational center Topic City and owner  many certificates.  As a teacher of Department of English Language and Literature,  Temirbulatova Indira got certificate of Topic with the highest result 6.0 (IELTS 9.0 or CEFR C2).  Also, her 14 students got certificates of Topic with different results like 6, 5, 4, 3. Nowadays Indira contributed her best in teaching Korean language in Khorezm and showed best results in our country. 
