Announcement on the defense...
Defense of the dissertation of Yakubova Matluba Tajibaevna, an independent researcher, on the topic “Erkin Samandar she'riyatining lingvopoetik xususiyatl...
Urganch shahri, Hamid Olimjon ko‘chasi, 14-uy.
Read morAnnouncement on the defense...
Defense of the dissertation of Yakubova Matluba Tajibaevna, an independent researcher, on the topic “Erkin Samandar she'riyatining lingvopoetik xususiyatl...
Urganch shahri, Hamid Olimjon ko‘chasi, 14-uy.
Read morDear students, we recommend you to use the unified electronic library information system of higher education and scientific research institutions of the Republic of...
14, Kh.Alimdjan str, Urgench city, 220100, Uzbekistan
Read morDefense of the dissertation of Abdullaev Davronbek Atabaevich, an independent researcher of Karakalpak State University on the topic "Ko'p ma'noli fraz...
Манзил: Урганч шаҳри, Ҳамид Олимжон кўчаси, 14-уй.
Read morDefense of the dissertation of the senior teacher of the Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology Ibragimova Rano Isakovna on the topic "Isti...
Манзил: Урганч шаҳри, Ҳамид Олимжон кўчаси, 14-уй.
Read morOn November 12, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., Urganch State University Rector Abdullayev Bakhrom Ismailovich will hold a mobile reception for the citizens of our region on a...
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