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Human Resources Department;

1) Duties of the head of the HR Department

1.1 Selection of administrative-managerial, engineering-technical, teaching assistants, and administrative staff of the Rector's nomenclature together with the university administration and registration in accordance with the norms of labor legislation;

1.2 Arranging for the timely registration of university staff under the rector's nomenclature for recruitment, transfer to other permanent jobs and termination of employment contracts, as well as the submission of documents for the appointment of employees included in the nomenclature of higher authorities;

1.3 Control over the distribution of personal documents of students and staff of the University;

1.4 Control over statistical and personal accounts of university staff based on established regulations;

1.5 Control over the maintenance of employment records in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

1.6 Recruitment, transfer to another permanent job, termination of the employment contract in accordance with the labor schedule in accordance with the staffing table;

1.7 Participate in the organization of control over the observance of labor discipline and internal labor regulations by employees in conjunction with the university trade union;

1.8 Participation in the work of university attestation commissions;

1.9 Participate in the organization of the personnel reserve;

1.10 Organizing the competition of teachers and preparing a list of teachers selected for vacancies;

1.11 Participation in the Tariff Commission and preparation of draft orders on the determination of salaries of university employees on the basis of scientific and pedagogical experience, as well as the preparation of documents for the establishment of benefits for university employees and their families in conjunction with the trade union;

1.12 Issuance of certificates and certificates to all employees of the University.

2) Duties of pedagogical staff, specialist working with staff.

2.1 Keeping records of the university staff;

2.2 Registration of admission, dismissal and transfer of employees to the University;

2.3 Supervise the registration and maintenance of personal files of university staff based on established regulations;

2.4 Completion, accounting and storage of employment records of university staff, timely changes to them;

2.5 Compilation of vacation schedules of university employees based on labor legislation;

2.6 Preparation and provision of employment certificates to employees;

2.7 Submission of identity cards, certificates and their registration:

2.8 Preparation and submission of statistical reports.

3) Duties of supervisors working with students

3.1 Maintaining primary documents related to the admission and training of students based on normative documents, samples approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

3.2 Preparation of statistical report and internal report of the university on the established forms;

3.3 Preparation and presentation of academic information in conjunction with the academic department;

3.4 Preparation and submission of personal documents of students transferred to other universities (on the basis of an official request);

3.5 Preparation of data based on official inquiries of higher organizations and their submission in the prescribed manner.

3.6 Registration, storage of documents on higher education of the state sample and registration of special instructions.