Great news from young mathematicians of Uzbekistan! ...
The 9th NCUMC Olympiad held on April 23-24 this year produced memorable results!
According to him, young Uzbek mathematicians achieved th...
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+998 94 230 44 71
Field of research interests: Analytic extension of functions
Field of pedagogical activity: Mathematical analysis, functional analysis, theory of functions of complex variable
AutobiographyDeputy dean
Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence
Data science, Artificial Intelligence
AutobiographyDeputy dean
Field of research interests: Methods of blended learning elements in teaching informatics and information technology
Field of pedagogical activity: Computer Science and IT, Programming Basics
AutobiographyThe Faculty of Physics and Mathematics began its activity as a department of the Khorezm Pedagogical Institute in the 1935-1936 academic year. In 1992, due to the reorganization of the Khorezm State Pedagogical Institute as the Urgench State University, there were changes in the structure of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics: first, the departments of the faculties were enriched in experienced specialists from central cities.
A new department "Applied Mathematics" was organized on the basis of the departments "Theory of Functions", "Computer Science and HT", "Physics" and "Algebra and Geometry", working in a new scientific and pedagogical direction.
The faculty was conducted by several professors and teachers, including in 1994-1996- Ph.D. A.B. Khasanov, in 1996-1999-Ph.D., Associate Professor O.I. Askarov, in 1999-2009 - Ph.D., Professor A.B. Khasanov, in 2009-2015 - Ph.D., Associate Professor B.I.Abdullaev and they made a great contribution to the organization of educational, scientific and scientific-methodical work at the faculty.
Since 2015, the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is professor Zh. Khuzhamov.
The educational process of the faculty
Currently, there are 4 departments in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, in which 103 professors are included; 61 of them are full staff (6 doctors of science, 14 candidates of science), 42 of them (3 doctors of science, 13 candidates of science,) as part-time workers. There are 5 specialties for Bachelor’s and 5 specialties for Master’s Degree programs in the faculty:
The Department of “Mathematical analysis”
5130100- Mathematics
5А130101-Mathematics (Mathematical analysis)
The Department of Applied mathematics and mathematical physics
5130200 - Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
5140300 – Mechanics
5А130103 – Differential equations and mathematical physics
5А130104 –Mathematical Engineering Speciality
The department of Computer Science
5111118 – Professional education (informatics and information technology)
The department of Physics
5140200 – Physics
5А140208 - Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment Physics
The total number of students is 1079 students, 1016 of them are full-time students, 30 are correspondence courses and 33 are graduate students.
The department “Mathematical Engineering”:
5130200 – Mathematical engineering
5140300 - Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
5А130104 - Mathematical engineering
Research directions
- The theory of complex potentials and dynamic systems;
- Direct and inverse problems of the theory of scattering for the Sturm-Liouville operator;
- Integration of non-linear evalution equations;
- Mathematical modelling of biomechanical processes;
- Modeling of physical processes in semiconductor materials and tools;
- Modeling of ion-atom collision processes in the surface of a solid;
- Applying interactive methods in teaching physics.
Projects of fundamental research being implemented in the faculty
Work done within the framework of international grants
Today the faculty has established scientific and practical cooperation with foreign universities and faculty members are involved in various projects. In particular, professors and teachers of the Mathematical analysis department B.Abdullaev, A.Atamuratov and M.Vaisova have been working on the project MRU-OT-9/2017 "Multidimensional complex analysis" in cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russian. Teachers of the department "Applied Mathematics and mathematical physics" implemented the project "Establishment of Computing Centers and Curriculum Development in the Mathematical Engineering Master program" in the framework of Erasmus + program for 3 years. This project was successfully completed this year. In the course of the project, it was planned to develop a master's program in the specialty “Mathematical Engineering”. The project cooperates with countries (Spain, Italy, Slovenia) and research centers of EU. The total cost of the project is 636,496 euros. On the basis of this project, in 2017–2018 and 2018–2019 academic years, students were admitted to the magistracy in the specialty 5А130104 - “Mathematical Engineering”. Currently 7 undergraduates are studying in this specialty. Some graduate courses, which are taught in the MA, are conducted in English.
Teachers of the “Information Technologies” and “Applied Mathematics and mathematical physics” departments in cooperation with The National University of Uzbekistan, The Tashkent State University of the Uzbek language and literature and The Samarkand State University of Foreign Languages implemented the project “CLASS - Development of the interdisciplinary master program on Computational Linguistics at the Central Asian University” 585845-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP in the framework of the Erasmus+ program for 2018-2021 years. The goal of this project is to collaborate with foreign countries and study their experience in developing curricula in computer linguistics, developing scientific programs, providing modern literature, building a material and technical base and training advanced specialists. The total budget of the project is 761450 euros.
Teachers of the Department of Physics signed an agreement on cooperation between MIR Solar LLC and Urgench State University on training personnel in the field of renewable energy sources (On cooperation on training personnel in the field of renewable energy sources between MIR Solar LLC and Urgench State University), effective from June 22, 2020 to June 21, 2025.
The Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation
In 2018, the three of the faculty teachers defended their doctoral dissertations. On March 30, 2018, Zafar Ibragimov Shavkatovich, Lecturer in the Mathematical analysis Department at the Urgench State University, defended his dissertation for the degree of doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 01.01.01.-Mathematical analysis on the theme “Pluripolarity of the graphs of quasi-analytic functions ”, On March 14, 2018, Muhammad Matyakubov, a teacher of the Department of Applied Mathematics and mathematical physics defended his dissertation for the PhD degree. In January 2018, Polvonov Bazarboy, a teacher at the Department of Information Technologies, defended his Ph.D. dissertation.
On December 16, 2019, Rasulbek Akhmedovich Sharipov defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 01.01.01-mathematical analysis on the topic "special sets of m-subharmonic functions".
On December 16, 2019 01.01.02 Hasanov Muzaffar Masharipovich.- Defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “differential equations and mathematical physics” on the topic "integration of nonlinear Schrodinger equations and modified Korteweg-de Vries equations in the class of periodic functions".
On June 15, 2020 Babazhonova Aigul Kamildzhanovna 01.01.02. - Defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “differential equations and mathematical physics” on the topic "integration of a periodic Abelian system with an adapted source".
On October 23, 2020, Matyakubov Hikmat defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 01.04.02-theoretical physics on the topic "soliton mechanism of charge transfer and separation in photovoltaic polymers and hybrid solar cells".
On July 22, 2020, Yusupov Bakhtiyor Bahrombek ogly defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 01.01.06 - "algebra” on the topic “local and 2-local derivations on Leibniz algebra".
On December 28, 2020, MattievJamolbek defended his doctoral dissertation on "Creating a meaningful and accurate model by clustering class generalized rules" at the Slovenian State Maritime University Assit. he successfully defended under the guidance of Professor Branko Kavshek and received a doctorate in computer science.
Working with talanted students
In the 2018-2019 academic year, 20 students received the status of a talented student at Urgench State University, two of whom were awarded the Ulugbek State Scholarship. In the current academic year, the 4th year student of the field of applied mathematics and computer science - Ismoilov Mukhitdin became the winner of the Ulugbek state scholarship. In the 2020-2021 academic year, a 3rd-year student in the direction of education " physics” Otabayev Mehrozh became a laureate of the Ulugbek State Scholarship.
The sophomore student of the department of the applied mathematics and computer science, Behzod Fayzullaev gained the 3rd place in the Republican Olympiad in 2018, at the same year he won the bronze medal in the First International Mathematical Olympiad Al – Khorezmi; moreover, he won the silver medal in the Siberian Mathematical Olympiad in 2018 . In addition, students of the mathematical branch of Tojiboeva Husniya, Iskandarov Sanjar, Allaberganov Olimbay actively participated in the Siberian Mathematical Contets and were awarded diplomas, and also won a bronze medal in the team competition.
3 students of the faculty actively participated and were awarded diplomas in the North-Eurasian territorial half-final of the ACM ICPC International Programming Contest, which held on 01-02 December 2018 at the Kazakh-British Technical University in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Bakhodir Yakhshimurodov, in Physics Department took the 2nd place in the Republican Contest in Astronomy and Astrophysics, which was held in 2018.
Students of the direction "Physics" took the honorary third place in the republican online Olympiad on the subject” Fundamentals of Physics and Astronomy", conducted by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan among higher educational institutions in 2020: Radzhabov Otamurod, a 4th-year student of Urgench State University (1st place), a 3rd-year student of Matekubov Sarvarbek (2nd place), Masharipov Shakhzod (3rd place).
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 7, 2020 No. PP-4708 “On measures to improve the quality of education and the development of scientific research in the field of mathematics”, a 4th-year student in the field of Applied Mathematics and computer Science is studying in the direction of "Mathematics" for students and researchers.A.He became a laureate of the Sarymsokov Scholarship.
Great news from young mathematicians of Uzbekistan! ...
The 9th NCUMC Olympiad held on April 23-24 this year produced memorable results!
According to him, young Uzbek mathematicians achieved th...
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