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History of the Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science was first established in September 1992 at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Urganch State University under the name of the Department of "Informatics and Computing Techniques". The head of the department is Ph.D. Bakhtiyar Yakubov was appointed. "Calculation Center" was established under the department. Initially, Komiljon Bobojonov, and later Bakhodir Rakhmonov were appointed as the head of the "Calculation Center". At that time, the department had 32 arithmetic and engineering microcalculators, 18 MK-64 type microcalculators working with programs, YAMAHA micro EHM class and 1 IBM AT-286 computer.

From March 5, 1992 to 1995, he was the head of the "Informatics and IT" department, Ph.D. Olimbay Bakiyev worked. Over time, the activities of the department expanded, and young people who graduated from higher educational institutions were invited, and this tradition continues to this day. In 1992, G. Matlatipov (Samarkand State University), K. Khabibullayev (Tashkent State University), O. Matniyazov, B. Abdukarimov were invited to work.

From 1995 to 2005, the chair of "Informatics and IT" was held by Ph.D. Assoc. It was managed by F. Yusupov. During this period, great progress was made in the scientific potential of the department. The members of the "Informatics and IT" department conducted scientific research in several directions on current issues of the national economy and higher education. Kafer mainly focuses on "Creation of multi-level hierarchical structure systems and algorithms for optimal control of discrete continuous technological processes", "Creation of multi-level integrated systematic training concept", "Artificial thinking and intelligent systems" , "optimal rendering of n-dimensional polynomials" and conducts scientific research in Computer Linguistics.

In 2007, by the decision of the scientific council of Urganch State University, the name of the department was called "Informatics and Information Technologies", and from September 2, 2015, by the decision of the scientific council of Urganch State University, the name of the department was called "Information Technologies". From August 2005 to January 2018, as the head of the "Information Technologies" department, Ph.D. Assoc. Gayrat Matlatipov was the leader. Since January 2018, as the head of the "Information Technologies" department, Ph.D., Ph.D., Assoc. Madatov Khabibulla Akhmedovich is leading. Since August 2023, the name of the department has been changed to "Computer Science".

Currently, the following bachelor's and master's degrees are being prepared in our department


  • 60610300 - Axborot xavfsizligi (sohalar bo‘yicha)
  • 60610100 - Kompyuter ilmlari va dasturlash texnologiyalari (yo‘nalishlar bo‘yicha) [O`zbek va rus tillari kesimida]
  • 60610100 - Kompyuter ilmlari va dasturlash texnologiyalari (yo‘nalishlar bo‘yicha) (Masofaviy) [O`zbek va rus tillari kesimida]


  • 70230801 - Kompyuter lingvistikasi
  • 70610504 - Maʼlumotlar ilmi (Data science)


Scientific-research works and dissertations carried out in the department

Until now, several teachers of the department have defended their candidate PhDs and dissertations at Kaferda. 1991 Rahimboy Karimov at the Institute of Cybernetics in Tashkent on the topic "Construction of mathematical models for the study of non-stationary hydrogeochemical processes in the subsoil layers of the Earth", 1992 Bakhtiyor Yaqubov at the Institute of Seismic Stability of Mechanics and Structures in Tashkent "Hydrodynamics of the flow of non-Newtonian fluids in a pipe taking into account the influence of the sub-wall layer" in 1995 Firnafas Yusupov in Tashkent State Technical University on the topic of "Block-module modeling of cotton preprocessing technological processes and multi-step control algorithms based on systematic optimization principles", in 2001 Ghairat Matlatipov in Tashkent Institute of Cybernetics "Experimental In 2002 Khabibulla Madatov in the topic "On the Combinative Instability Measure of N-Dimensional Convex Polynomials", in 2002 Rakhimbayeva Muhabbat in Andijan State University in Andijan State University on the topic of researching the distribution of contamination using mathematical statistical methods, in 2006 Maqsud Sharipov at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies on the topic of "Managing the technological process of grain milling in flour production organizations", in 2008 Jamal Boltaev at the University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, at the University of West Bahemia, the Czech State, "Variational and quasi-variational inequalities of the reaction-diffusion type" Ph.D. degrees. In 2018, Palvanov Bozorboy Yusupovich 05.01.07–Mathematical modeling. Ph.D., majoring in the set of numerical methods and programs (technical sciences). Under the supervision of N. Ravshanov, he defended his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis on the topic "Improved models and algorithms for researching processes of cleaning multi-component mixtures".

In addition, in 2022, Mattiyev Jamolbek defended his PhD thesis at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and in 2023, Mominov Sokhibjon Yunusovich 05.01.07 - "Mathematical modeling. Dissertation work written for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences on the topic "Numerical modeling of mutual diffusion problems in an opaque environment" with the specialization "Set of numerical methods and programs" Fundamental and Applied Research at the National Research University "TIQXMMI" defended with 100% on November 3, 2023 at the scientific council of the institute.

Training in foreign universities
The members of the department conducted scientific research on the basis of foreign educational grants and improved their qualifications at prestigious universities. In particular, since 2003, Matlatipov G', Rakhimbayeva M., Madatov H., Bobojonov K., Bobojonov Q., Boltaeva I., Yusupov J., Ashirova A. India, China through educational programs provided by the Talent Center. , the Czech Republic, Russia, South Korea, have improved their skills in information and communication technologies at prestigious universities and centers and applied them in the educational process. Since 2008, through Erasmus Munduz educational and scientific grants, Matlatipov G., Sharipov M., Madatov Kh. are in doctoral studies, Boltaeva I., Rakhimbayeva M. are in teacher training courses, Khajiyev U., Khudaiberganov O., Rahmanov R. in PhD courses, Rakhimov I., and Salaev U. in 1-year master's courses in Germany, England, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Italy, France have improved their skills in information and communication technologies at prestigious universities and centers.

In 2010-2013, the department operated on the basis of the international project "CANDI-Teaching Competency and Infrastructure for e-Learning and Retraining" funded by TEMPUS, scientific research was carried out within the framework of this project, computer equipment in the amount of 54,000 euros was brought to Urganch State University and applied to the educational process, the MOODLE system was installed in order to develop distance education technology, the Uzbek, Russian, English interpretation of the "Basics of Computer Science" course, the Russian interpretation of the "Visualization dannox" course, "Molecular Process Modeling" Uzbek and Russian interpretations of the course were developed. The results of this project are widely used in the University. Within the framework of the project, the professors and teachers of the department received advanced training at the University of Vienna in Austria, the Technical University of Vienna, the Open University in England, and the Technical University of Munich in Germany. The members of the department improved their knowledge in the English language courses organized within the framework of the project, got IELTS certificates.

As part of international cooperation, foreign professors give lectures at our university

As part of international cooperation, foreign professors give lectures at our university ...



Branko Kavšek and J ...

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Scientific internship

Scientific internship ...


According to the agreement concluded with Urganch State University and Anand International Engineering College of India, teachers of our university ...

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Obtaining the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in technical sciences

Obtaining the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in technical sciences ...


Urganch State University "Department of Computer Science", 2nd stage basic doctoral student Mominov Sokhibzhan Yunusovich 05.0 ...

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A logical continuation of the

A logical continuation of the "Bir million dasturchi" project for young people ...


The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 24, 2023 "On measures to increase the scope and quality of digital servi ...

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 Axborot texnologiyalar kafedrasida

Axborot texnologiyalar kafedrasida "Axborot xavfsizligi" oyligi bo'yicha ilmiy-seminar bo'lib o'tdi. ...


Urganch davlat universiteti Fizika-matematika fakulteti Axborot texnologiyalar kafedrasida "Axborot xavfsizligi" oyligi bo'yicha ...

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Клаус Субтил Германия, SES (Senior Experten Service)

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Клаус Субтил Германия, SES (Senior Experten Service) 30.09.2019-20.09.2019   Физика-математика факультети талабаларига "Маьлумотлар ...

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17.09.2019  kuni   Axborot texnologiyalari kafaedrasi katta o'qituvchisi Yusupov Davronning dissertatsiya muhokamasi bo'lib o'tdi.

17.09.2019 kuni Axborot texnologiyalari kafaedrasi katta o'qituvchisi Yusupov Davronning dissertatsiya muhokamasi bo'lib o'tdi. ...


17.09.2019  kuni   Axborot texnologiyalari kafaedrasi katta o'qituvchisi Yusupov Davronning dissertatsiya muhokamasi bo' ...

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At the University of Adam Mickiewicz, on May 19, 201–28 May 2015, the faculty of the partner universities from Central Asia in Poznan received trainin

At the University of Adam Mickiewicz, on May 19, 201–28 May 2015, the faculty of the partner universities from Central Asia in Poznan received trainin ...


At the University of Adam Mickiewicz, on May 19, 201–28 May 2015, the faculty of the partner universities from Central Asia in Poznan receive ...

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Computer science scientific direction of department

Automation of processes of exchange information in Higher educational institutions
Effective management of educational process is one of the major administrative tasks in higher education institution which covers a large number of the persons involved in this process - students, teachers, educational and and administrative staff, and this directly influences conditions of their work and study. At the same time the normative documents regulating educational activity leave a big scope at their realization in the conditions of concrete higher education institution. The accounting of all available opportunities and their effective realization demand considerable labor costs from administrative personnel. Main objective of creation of system is automation and improvement of technological processes in work of educational institutions for improvement of quality of training of specialists, creation of the uniform information environment for higher education institutions. The system is also intended for: 
- creations of the uniform information environment for higher education institution; 
- realization of a mission of educational institution for high-quality training of highly qualified specialists in modern conditions;
- information providing basic and auxiliary business processes of educational institutions - increases in effective management of educational institution;
- integration of management of all business processes within uniform corporate system - document flow automation;
- decrease in cumulative cost of possession of system.