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About the Department of Theory of Building a Democratic Society in Uzbekistan
Social sciences have been taught since 1935 in Khorezm State Pedagogical Institute. Since 1944, social sciences have been organized as a separate department at the institute. At that time, the department was called "Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism".
The faculty included philosophy, political economy, and party history. In 1944-1946, the department was headed by S. Boltayeva, who successfully graduated from Moscow State University, then L.A. Vishkarev, who was sent to work from Moscow, headed the department. In those years, such teachers as L.A. Vishkarev, S. Boltayeva, Grinka, and M. Kh. Aliakbarov worked in the department. At that time, the team of the department led the teaching of social sciences at the institute, all political-educational activities conducted among pedagogues and students.
In 1954, candidate of philosophy Yangiboy Rajapov, who graduated from the Faculty of History of Samarkand State University, and senior teacher R. Jumaniyozov and Vapayev joined the department. Since 1954, associate professor Ya. Rajapov was appointed as the head of the department of social sciences of the institute and worked in this position for about 30 years. The issue of increasing the scientific potential of the department's teachers was considered one of the most important tasks in those years. Because only one of the more than 10 teachers working in the department, Ya. Rajapov, had a degree. It was necessary to strengthen the composition of the department with experienced teachers. For this reason, a number of scientists from Tashkent universities were invited to work at the institute for half-time and quarter-time work. Among them were such scientists as Professor J.M. Boboyev, Professor B. Ismoilov, Professor M. Baratov, Professor I. Jabborov. In the 1960s and 1970s, the department was strengthened by young people who successfully defended their candidate theses in Tashkent, Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev universities. Candidates of science, associate professors N. Qalandarov, M. Matniyozov, A. Sotlikov, K. Abdullayev, A. Khayitboyev, H. Sapayev, F. Madrakhimov, A. Sobirov showed special dedication in teaching social sciences to young people. By 1967, in connection with the expansion of KhDPI, the Department of "Social Sciences" was divided into 3 separate departments - "Philosophy", "Political Economy" and "Party History". The department of philosophy combined the disciplines of dialectical and historical materialism, scientific communism, logic, ethics and aesthetics. Since 1974, the Department of Scientific Communism has been operating as an independent department.
In 1984-1993, the department of philosophy of the institute was chaired by the candidate of philosophy A. Khayitboyev.
In 1992, due to the transformation of KhDPI into Urganch State University, structural changes took place in social science departments. The department "Theory of Socialism and Political Economy" was completed. The subject of political science was transferred to the department of philosophy. From the 1993-1994 academic year, the department was headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Rakhim Taganov. During this period, the subjects taught at the department were revised on the basis of new curricula. Since August 26, 1997, the department has been headed by candidate of philosophy, associate professor M. Safarboyev. During this period, almost all the members of the department are involved in scientific and scientific-methodical work. Over the next 10 years, more than 12 monographs, scientific collections, and more than 200 scientific articles were published by the members of the department. M. Khajiyeva successfully defended her candidate thesis in 2004. In 2007, Assoc. M. Safarboev managed to publish a monograph (10 volumes) in Russian called "Ogahiy - poet and thinker". This year Assoc. M. Safarboyev and B. Jumaniyozov co-authored the textbook "Logic" (18 volumes) in Latin script. Assoc. At the initiative of M. Safarboyev, 4 republic-wide scientific-practical conferences were held and their materials were published. Since 2001, the department has been a testing ground for studying and teaching the idea of ​​national independence in the Republic and has achieved certain achievements. The members of the department actively participated in the preparation of the first encyclopedic dictionary of philosophy. A teaching-methodical complex and electronic texts and multimedia were created for the 5 subjects of the department. In 2005, a new "National Independence Idea and Law" department was separated from the "Philosophy" department as a specialized department. In 2007, the specialty department was abolished, jurisprudence was included in the "Philosophy" department, and it began to be managed as the "Philosophy and Law" department. Since 2008, the department has been headed by Ph.D. M. Khajiyeva, Assoc. The department published 2 monographs, more than 40 scientific and methodological articles, and 4 methodological manuals. On April 23-24, 2009, "Possibilities and methods of using the national-spiritual heritage of student youth"

During the 2020-2021 academic year, 2 republican scientific-practical seminars were held in the department "Theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan" and the materials of the seminar were published in the form of a collection.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, 2 republican scientific-practical seminars were held in the department "Theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan", and the materials of one seminar were published in the form of a collection
