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The department of “Architecture” was established in 1992 under the name “Fundamentals of Design” within the Urganch faculty of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction.

Initially, the department consisted of more than 15 professors-teachers, 7 professors-teachers with the scientific degree of candidates of technical sciences worked. As the head of the department, Assoc. Kuryazov Kuryoz Otabayevich was appointed.

In 1993, a new “Building Constructions and Technology” department was created on the basis of the “Basics of Design” department, and the head of the department was Assoc. Sabirov Bakhtiyar Khamroyevich was appointed. In 1995, the “Fundamentals of Design” and “Construction Structures and Technology” departments were merged, and 2 specialties were created based on them:

  • Departments of “Architecture” and “Building constructions and technology” were established. Assoc. To the “Architecture” department. Marat Khalilovich Siddikov and Assoc. Kuryazov Kuryoz Otabayevich were appointed as the director, worked in personnel training for the production of construction structures. In 1996, the above departments of “Architecture” and “Construction structures and technology” were merged, and the department of “Construction and Architecture” was established, and Assoc. Kuryozov Kuryoz Otabayevich was appointed. In 1999-2007s associate professor of technical sciences, Rahmanov Bahadir Sobirovich, Ph.D. in 2007-2012s Khadjiev Ikrom Matnazarovich, Arch. Ph.D. in 2013s Setmamatov Maqsud Bekturdiyevich, associate professor, in 2013-2019s Rahmanov Bahadir Sobirovich, arch.f.n. in 2019-2020s Setmamatov Maqsud Bekturdiyevich led. From September 02, 2020, it was divided into 2 specialties: - “Architecture” and “Construction” departments were established. Assoc. Ahmedov Kadir Karimovich and Assoc. Setmamatov Maqsud Bekturdievich was appointed as the director.

Today, more than 23 professors are working in the department. Specialists in the fields of “Architecture”, “Architectural-design organization of rural areas”, “Preservation of cultural heritage objects” are being trained at the department. In addition to the admission quotas, from the 2020-2021 academic year, 25 students are admitted to the Russian-speaking group of the “Architecture” department. In addition, on the basis of the 2+2.5 joint program with the National Technical University of Belarus, students were admitted to the Russian-speaking group of the “Architecture” department, and today 13 students of the Architecture department are studying in 4-courses, 3 students are continuing their studies in 3-courses.

From the academic year of 2021, specialists were admitted to the master’s degree in the specialty “Building and structures” based on 17 admission quotas, and all defended with excellent and good grades.

Currently, the department is working on “Improving the architectural-planning organization of the main streets of the cities of Uzbekistan (as an example of the Khorezm region)”, “Research and project proposal of promising directions for the use of solar energy in the design of residential buildings in the rural areas of the historical cities of Uzbekistan giving”, “The main principles of the formation of innovative buildings and structures in the conditions of Uzbekistan”, “Ichon fortress architecture and improvement of their preservation methods”, “The genesis of traditional settlements of historical cities of Uzbekistan (as an example of Khorezm province)” scientific work is being done in these directions.

The department of “Architecture” has been conducting scientific cooperation with TAQI, SamDAQI and Khorezm Ma’mun Academy, Islamic University of Malaysia, Astrakhan State University, National Technical University of Belarus.

In scientific cooperation with the National Technical University of Belarus, Sh.Abdullayeva, a teacher of the department, has been accepted to a doctorate (PhD) under the guidance of BNTU professor V. Vashkeevich, on the basis of a 3-year grant from the Ulugbek Foundation, since February 2023.

5 experts, from September 18 to September 28, 2023, in cooperation with Khorezm Ma’mun Academy on the “Joint project between the USA and Germany to preserve the authenticity of cultural buildings of the German Factoring Center Quedlinburg (Deutsches Fachwerkzentrum Quedlinburg)” visited, and 2 professors and 12 students of the department took part in the repair works and exchanged experience on the basis of the “Uzbekistan and Germany international practical project on the restoration of the Friday mosque in Khiva with a 1000-year history”.

From September 23 to October 1, 2023, 33 professors and students of the International Islamic University of Malaysia visited to discuss cooperation issues in the direction of studying the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan, researching unique architectural examples, expanding and promoting the tourism network.In this group, professors and students of the department actively participated in the work of measuring and creating a 3-D model project of the Juma mosque within the Khiva Ichan fortress museum-reserve.

The scientific-methodical seminar on the topic “Actual issues in architecture” and the scientific-methodological seminar “Modern problems of teaching architectural sciences” are operating under the leadership of Associate Professor M.B. Setmamatov. The “Young Architects” circle of talented students is active in the department.

Many achievements have been attained by the students of our department. In particular, Ermatov Gulomjon is a recipient of D.I.Mendeleev scholarship of the Eurasian Research Institute (2008), Roziev Gamzat (2004), Ermatov Gulomjon (2006), Jumaniozov Mansur (2007), Nurmetov Umid (2009) Malika Aminbayeva (2021), Rahimov Elbek (2022) Beruni State Scholarship winners, Rahmonov Temur (2010), Masharipova Husnibonu (2011, 2012), Vapaev Khushnud (2013, 2014) 2nd place winner in the Republican Science Olympiad, Atamuratov SHokhrukh (2015, 2016) 2nd-3rd place winner, Rozmetov Asad (2018) 3rd place winner, Atabaev SHokzod (2019) ) 2nd place winner, Karimov Islam (2020) and Ametov Fazil (2020) became 1st place winners. Ametov Fazil (2021) won the 3rd place. In 2015, Matchanov Orazmat and Rajapov Sherzod became the winners of the “Future of the Country” talented young people. In 2016, Abdullayev Bunyod became the winner of the “Innovative Ideas” Republican competition of young scientists, masters and students. At the initiative of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, Abdurakhmanova SHohista took an active part in her personal creative exhibition called “Heart’s Lament” in the exhibition hall of the Museum of Modern Art of Uzbekistan and was awarded a gold medal by the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan (2019. ) Usmanov Jorabek (2019) 3rd place winner at the “Spring of Uzbekistan” creativity festival, Aminbayeva Malika (2019) Rajabov Daston (2019) Khudaiberganov Ikhtiyor at the Republican competition “Talents of the New Century” (2019) won the 3rd place. Karimov Islam (2021) won the 1st place in the Republican Science Olympiad in the subject “Landscape and Interior Design”, and Amatov Fozilbek (2021) won the 3rd place in the Republican Science Olympiad in the subject “Architectural Design”. Rakhimov Elbek (2021) was awarded the 1st degree diploma in the nomination “The best innovative engineering-communication projects and developments” of the New Century Talents Republican competition. Successors of Mirzo Ulugbek, the winner of the “Most Active Participant” nomination of the Republican stage, Rakhimov Elbek (2023), from the state budget of the Slovak Republic and the European Union – NextGenerationEU on Investments: “Supporting the Internationalization of the Learning Environment” component: the recovery of the Slovak Republic and Rakhimov Elbek, the winner of the “Attracting and Retaining Talents” grant of the stability plan (2023), is currently continuing his studies in the Slovak Republic on the basis of 6 months of mobility. Uz.Resp.OvaOMTV “New Uzbekistan: Science “Swallows-2022” 1st Republican competition in the nomination “The best construction materials and constructions created on the basis of industrial waste” won the 1st place.

The following e-learning manuals were prepared and posted on the website ( by the professor of the department Baidjanov Ibodulla Samandarovich: Commentary: Urban theory, Architectural planning of settlements and community centers, Architectural theory 1-2 -part, COMMENTARY: economic urbanization, foreign modern architecture, social foundations of architectural design, ergonomics (man-machine-environment), foundations of innovative buildings in the urban environment, etc.

The associate professor of the department Sh. Khojaniyazov published an electronic textbook from the “Perspective” section of the “Drawing geometry and engineering graphics” subject and a study guide for the subject of pencil drawing in 2023.

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Architecture (uzbek group)


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