The Faculty of Chemical Technology was separated from the Faculty of Technology in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated March 18, 2017 No. 156 on the approval of the Charter of Urgench State University.
The Faculty of Chemical Technology has 3 departments and prepares bachelors and masters in the following areas:
The faculty has 45 qualified professors and teachers who teach students using modern information technologies and new pedagogical technologies. Of those, 30 are full-time and 13 are part-time. There are 2 doctors of sciences, 1 honorary professor of the university, 14 candidates of sciences and 3 senior teachers in the faculty.
A total of 1,028 students are enrolled in the above areas of education in the 2021-2022 academic year, of which 569 are boys and 459 are girls.
The high level of production development in Khorezm region is closely linked with the training of qualified personnel with higher education, in particular, engineering technologists. In order to train qualified technologists, the faculty of Tashkent Polytechnic University was established in 1992 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as part of Urgench State University. Subsequent studies of Khorezm students studying architecture, chemical technology and engineering at various universities in Tashkent were transferred to him.
In the past, the department has created a strong system of training competitive personnel, that is, to conduct the educational process on the basis of modern requirements. The material and technical base of the department has been strengthened. The department has 10 departments that meet all the requirements - "Basic technological processes and devices", "Technology of silicate and refractory mirrors", "Food Technology", "Biotechnology", "Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products" , "Methods of physical and chemical analysis", "Automation and automatic control of production". Serious attention was paid to equipping them with modern equipment and adequate reagents. More than 300 million soums were spent on these works. In these laboratories, not only the educational process, but also the research work of young scientists and the solution of technological problems of enterprises,
The level of provision of textbooks has reached 100%. The work of creating new generations of literature has been intensified. It has become a tradition to conduct training sessions on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies. From 1998 to 2011, the scientific potential of the department increased dramatically. The number of candidate and doctoral defenses has increased. In particular, in 1998 SB Bakhtiyorov, in 2003 ZK Babayev, in 2004 IR Bayjanov, in 2005 ZM Quryazov, in 2007 Sh.K. Matchanov, in 2009 Sh.R. Kurambaev received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2005 MJ Jumaniyazov received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, in 2010 the title of Professor.
From 1994 to 2011, the department has established regular contacts with leading universities and research institutes of the world and the Republic. In particular, as a result of cooperation with the Royal Swedish Institute, graduates of the department Masharipova Shoira, Allaberganova Inobatlar graduated from the institute. As a result of cooperation with the University of Paris, France, dots. ZK Babayev returned for a two-month training. At the Shanghai University of China, members of the department H.Kholmuratov, Sh.Kurambaev, Z.K.Babaev improved their skills. Agreements on educational and scientific cooperation were signed with the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after Mendeleev. The Czech Agrarian University and the Riga Technical University of the Republic of Latvia are cooperating in conducting PhD dissertation research. Comprehensive cooperation agreements have been signed with the departments of chemical technology of almost all universities in the country. Students conduct internships at prestigious research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and young scientists conduct research. All of our graduates are employed in various industries in the region. At the same time, Umid Boltaev, a graduate of 2003, Umar Alimov, a graduate of 1998, and Norbek Yuldashev, a graduate of 1999, received the degree of Candidate of Sciences and work in various sectors of the economy.
In 1992-2016, K. Yuldashev took the 2nd place in the Republican Olympiad in Chemical Technology, T. Musaev took the 1st place in 2005, JSDjabberganov took the 1st place in 2006. Ruzibaev took the 2nd place in 2009-2010, D.Gapparov in 2011, Sh. Ruzimova took the prestigious 2nd place. J.S.Djabberganov. In November-December 2007, he won the regional and national stages of the contest "Voice of the Future".
As a result of efforts in the educational process, students of the department became winners of Presidential and State scholarships. In particular: A. Matquliev Presidential Scholarship in 1998, T. Musaev State Scholarship "Beruniy" in 2006 and International Mendeleev Scholarship in 2007, Z. Masharipova State Scholarship "Ulugbek" in 2007, 2008
As a result of efforts in the educational process, students of the department became winners of Presidential and State scholarships. In particular: A. Matquliev Presidential Scholarship in 1998, T. Musaev State Scholarship named after Beruni in 2006 and International Mendeleev Scholarship in 2007, Z. Masharipova State Scholarship named after Ulugbek in 2007, S. Ruzmetov in 2008. The State Scholarship "Bek", in 2009 O. Matkarimov was awarded the State Scholarship "Ulugbek", in 2010 ZBDjumaniyazov was awarded the State Scholarship "Beruniy".
In 1994, the Faculty of Chemical Technology was established at Urgench State University. Starting this year, the department began training in the field of food "Canning Technology". In 1996, the department began to train qualified personnel in the specialty "Food Technology". The Department of Agricultural Storage and Processing and Food Technology was established by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated March 18, 2017 No. 6156.
In January 2019, the department of "Food Technology" was established. Chair k.f.n. headed by docent BM Ibadullayev. The department prepares bachelors in 5321000-food technology (by product types), as well as masters of 5A321001-food production and processing technology (oil processing technology). Currently, the department has 17 professors and teachers who teach students using modern information technology and new pedagogical technologies.
60710100 - Chemical technology (silicate materials);
60710100 - Chemical technology (organic substances);
60710100 - Chemical technology (high molecular weight compounds),
60710100 - Chemical technology (inorganic substances)
In the field of master's degree:
5A320404 - Technology of silicate and refractory mirrors materials.
5A320401 - Chemical technology (technology of inorganic substances)
In the field of doctoral studies:
020013-Technology of inorganic substances and materials based on them
020015-Technology of silicate and refractory mirrors
5321000 - Food technology (meat, dairy and canned goods)
5321000 - Food technology (oil and fat products)
Master's degree:
5A321001- Technology of food production and processing (technology of oil processing)
5321600 - Light industry technology and equipment
5321500 - "Light industry technologies and equipment" (sewing technology)
5321500 - "Technologies and equipment of light industry" (painting)
5320900 - "Development and technology of construction of light industry products" (production of yarn)
5320900 - "Design and operation of light industry products" (silk production)