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admin 2024-09-30

Assalomu alaykum, aziz o‘qituvchi va murabbiylar! Mamlakatimizda “1-oktabr - O‘qituvchi va murabbiylar kuni” deb belgilangan. O‘qituvchilik kasbini e’zozlash, mehnatini qadrlash va munosib rag‘batlantirish ta’lim sohasidagi islohotlarning muhim ...

Scientific laboratories will be established in cooperation with Chinese universities

Scientific laboratories will be established in cooperation with Chinese universities ...

admin 2024-09-27

On June 25 of this year, Vice President of Lanzhou Jiaotong University of China - Haowen Yan, Deputy Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Department - Zhan Guojun, and Director of Science and Technology Department - Li Haijun visited Urgench State University. The university management ...

Urgench State University is reaching agreements with Italian HEIs

Urgench State University is reaching agreements with Italian HEIs ...

admin 2024-09-24

On September 23-27 of this year, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation organized the First Uzbek-Italian Educational Forum aimed at further strengthening relations between Uzbekistan and Italy in the field of higher education. The first day of the forum is organized at Turin Polyt...

Youngsters of new Uzbekistan are our future and perspective!

Youngsters of new Uzbekistan are our future and perspective! ...

admin 2024-09-21

With beginning of  the new academic year and in order to make students free time meaningful "Friday Night" concert and the awarding ceremony of  the winners of competitions and contests which was held during the day were organized under the motto "Youngsters o...

Rasmiy munosabat

Rasmiy munosabat ...

admin 2024-09-18

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi “Urganch davlat universitetining 29,7 mlrd soʻmlik davlat xaridida qonun buzilishi aniqlangan” mazmunidagi sarlavhali xabarlarga Urganch davlat universiteti quyidagilar yuzasidan rasmiy munosabat bildiradi. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2...

"Rector and youth" meetings continue ...

admin 2024-09-17

On September 17, Rector of Urgench State University Bakhrom Abdullayev met with the 1st year students of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies. First of all, rector B.Abdullayev talked about the reforms implemented in the field of education in our country and emphasized that these are primarily aimed...

UrSU students became the winners and prize-winners of the Cup of Uzbekistan competition

UrSU students became the winners and prize-winners of the Cup of Uzbekistan competition ...

admin 2024-09-17

On September 10-17 of this year, the Uzbekistan Cup competition between adults and youth (U20) in weightlifting was held at the "Youth" sports complex in Urgench.  More than 250 athletes from across the country took part in this prestigious competition. In particular, students of t...

"Rector and youth" meetings are in full swing at Urgench State University ...

admin 2024-09-13

It is clear to all of us that the issue of youth in our country is at the level of state policy. As noted, Urgench State University also has many opportunities and conditions for youngsters. This year, at the meetings of the rector with the students admitted to the university, youngsters are closely...