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Students of Urgench State University won the gold medal in table tennis

Students of Urgench State University won the gold medal in table tennis ...

admin 2024-11-28

On November 23-27, the Para Table Tennis Championship of Uzbekistan among youth and adults was held in Namangan. Two students of the Faculty of Sport, Pedagogy and Psychology of Urganch State University, Nilufar Nurmetova and Rasulbek Atamuratov, won the gold medal under the guidance of J. Adambayev...

Urganch davlat universiteti rahbariyati va talabalar uchrashuvi boʻlib oʻtdi

Urganch davlat universiteti rahbariyati va talabalar uchrashuvi boʻlib oʻtdi ...

admin 2024-11-27

Bugun, 27-noyabr kuni Urganch davlat universiteti Madaniyat saroyida "Rahbariyat va talabalar" uchrashuvi boʻlib oʻtdi. Uchrashuvda Urganch davlat universiteti rektori v.v.b.S.Xodjaniyozov hamda rektor maslahatchisi A.Shakarov qatnashib, talaba-yoshlar bilan samimiy va ochiq muloqot oli...

The next issue of the

The next issue of the "Poetry Podium" competition was held ...

admin 2024-11-27

Today, on November 27, the next edition of the "Poetry Podium" competition, traditionally held by the Faculty of Philology and Art of UrSU, took place. Professors and teachers and students of the Faculty of Philology and Art took part in it.  In this issue of the competition, stude...

Universitety Psychological Center is at your service...

Universitety Psychological Center is at your service... ...

admin 2024-11-27

In the Psychological Center of the Urgench State University, regular psychological trainings are held in order to increase the motivation of students for education and self-confidence. In particular, even today, psychological trainings on the topic "Prevention of group conflicts" and &q...

Various spiritual and educational events were organized as part of

Various spiritual and educational events were organized as part of "Student residence evening" ...

admin 2024-11-26

On November 26, "Student residence evening" events were held in all dormitories in order to meaningfully organize the free time of the youth living in the student residences of Urgench State University and to share high spirits with the students. Within the framework of this event, comp...

Sports competitions were organized in connection with

Sports competitions were organized in connection with "December 1 - World AIDS Day" ...

admin 2024-11-25

On November 25, in cooperation with the Faculty of Sports Activity, Pedagogy and Psychology of Urgench State University and the AIDS Center, the first faculty under the slogan "Together towards a healthy life" sports in basketball, streetball, checkers, athletics and table tennis were held...

A farewell ceremony was held with the rector

A farewell ceremony was held with the rector ...

admin 2024-11-22

In connection with the election of Rector of Urgench State University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Abdullayev Bakhrom Ismailovich as the Chairman of the Committee on Science, Education and Health Affairs of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, a farewell ceremony was held with the team. ...

UrSU is hosting the Republican Forum of Psychologists

UrSU is hosting the Republican Forum of Psychologists ...

admin 2024-11-22

Today, in connection with "November 22 - International Day of Psychologists", the Republican Forum of Psychologists is being held at Urgench State University on the topic "Psychological health of students and youth in the digital world: problems and solutions" scheduled for Novem...