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UrSU delegation in Malaysia

UrSU delegation in Malaysia ...

admin 2025-02-04

Currently, the university delegation headed by the acting rector of Urgench State University named after Abu Rayhan Biruni, S.Khodjaniyazov, is on a business trip to Malaysia to participate in the Malaysia-Uzbekistan Higher Education Forum and Exhibition. As part of the forum, they visited Univer...

Korean culture

Korean culture" week has started at UrSU ...

admin 2025-02-03

Today, the "Korean culture" week, organized on February 3-8 in cooperation with Korea's Soon Chun Hyang University, began at Urgench State University named after Abu Rayhan Biruni. Representatives of the two universities, professors and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, ...

The 6th meeting of the Council of Urgench State University was held

The 6th meeting of the Council of Urgench State University was held ...

admin 2025-01-30

  On January 30, the next meeting of the University Council was held at Urgench State University named after Abu Rayhan Biruni. The council was chaired by the acting rector of the university, S.Khojaniyazov, and it was held with the participation of Council members. First, according to tr...

An event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor Tangribergan Dostjonov was held

An event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor Tangribergan Dostjonov was held ...

admin 2025-01-30

Enterprising, self-sacrificing, outstanding scientists and teachers are always in the honour of the country and students. Teacher Tangribergan Dostjonov is a highly cultured person who has made a great contribution to the development of science and has been sharing his knowledge and experience with ...

UrDUda ijtimoiy himoyaga muhtoj oilalar farzandlari uchun bepul tayyorlov kurslari tashkil etilmoqda

UrDUda ijtimoiy himoyaga muhtoj oilalar farzandlari uchun bepul tayyorlov kurslari tashkil etilmoqda ...

admin 2025-01-27

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Sh.Mirziyoyev rahbarligida 2024-yil 13-dekabr kuni 2024-yilda ijtimoiy himoya sohasida amalga oshirilgan ishlar natijadorligi va 2025-yil uchun ustuvor vazifalar yuzasidan o‘tkazilgan videoselektor yig‘ilishida berilgan 60-son topshiriqlarni...

The minister is in UrSU

The minister is in UrSU ...

admin 2025-01-25

Today, on January 25, the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, Kungirotboy Sharipov, visited the Urgench State University named after Abu Rayhan Biruni and got acquainted with the current state and development prospects of the educational institution. During the visit, he went to t...

A republican working group is working at universities in Khorezm for the execution of presidential assignments

A republican working group is working at universities in Khorezm for the execution of presidential assignments ...

admin 2025-01-25

As you know, on January 22, the President got acquainted with the presentation on the priority tasks in the field of higher education and science and defined the work to be carried out in the 2025 system. In connection with the implementation of these tasks, the working group of the ministry is curr...