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A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Uzbekistan-Japan Youth Innovation Center and Urgench State University

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Uzbekistan-Japan Youth Innovation Center and Urgench State University ...

admin 2024-12-19

On December 19 of this year, a group of representatives of the Uzbekistan-Japan Youth Innovation Center headed by director Ph.D. S. Niyazbekov visited Urgench State University. During the visit, an official meeting was held with the acting rector of the university, S.Khodjaniyazov, vice-rectors, rel...

Within the framework of the

Within the framework of the "Sharing Enlightenment" project, a meeting was held at UrSU ...

admin 2024-12-19

Today at Urgench State University, as a guest within the framework of the "Sharing Enlightenment" project, journalist and writer Olim Toshboyev, who served in Uzbekistan; literary scholar, professor Qazokboy Yoldoshev, member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan; and' poet Achil Tah...

Cooperation was established with the West Caspian University of Azerbaijan

Cooperation was established with the West Caspian University of Azerbaijan ...

admin 2024-12-18

On December 18 of this year, the dean of the Faculty of Business and Local Government, the West Caspian University of Azerbaijan, Prof. Natig Mirzayev, visited Urgench State University. A meeting was held with the guest in the presence of UrSU Vice-Rector for International Cooperation G'airat O&...

The final edition of the

The final edition of the "Poetry Podium" competition was held ...

admin 2024-12-17

The final issue of the "Poetry Podium" competition, which is traditionally held at the initiative of the faculty of Philology and art, was dedicated to the figure of Ogahi, the son of the classic poet Muhammadrizo Erniyozbek. Faculty professors and students participated in the event. The f...

Press conference

Press conference ...

admin 2024-12-14

Today, on December 14, a press conference on "Higher education reforms: problems, solutions, achievements" was organized at Urgench State University.  At the conference, the vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations of the university, Zafarbek Ibragimov, gave information a...

Winners of state scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other prestigious government scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year

Winners of state scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other prestigious government scholarshi ...

admin 2024-12-13

According to the order of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 464 dated December 11, 2024, the winners of the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other prestigious government scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year were announced.  ...

Good news

Good news ...

admin 2024-12-13

  7 universities of Uzbekistan, including Urgench State University, were placed in the ranking of the best universities in the field of achieving the goals of sustainable development by the QS agency. On December 10, QS Quacquarelli Symonds, a global analysis agency in the field of hi...



admin 2024-12-07

Aziz yurtdoshlar, hurmatli Urganch davlat universiteti jamoasi, qadrli talaba-yoshlar!  Eng ulug‘ bayram, eng aziz ayyom – Bosh qomusimiz qabul qilinganining o‘ttiz ikki yillik shodiyonasi munosabati bilan butun O‘zbekiston xalqini, Urganch davlat universitetining...