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60220300 History (by country and direction)
60230100 Philology and language teaching: Uzbek language
60310100 Economy (by sectors and industries)
60310300 Regional Economy
60310500 Digital economy (by sectors and sectors)
60310900 Psychology (by type of activity)
60410100 Accounting and auditing (by industry)
60410500 Banking and auditing
60411400 Management of human resource
60412500 Marketing (by industries and sectors)
60510100 Biology (by species)
60530400 Geography
60710100 Chemical technology (by type of production)
60710400 Ecology and environmental protection (by sectors and sector
60710600 Electric power (by networks and directions)
60712400 Motor-car and tractor construction
60720100 Food technology (by types of product)
60720700 Technological machines and equipment (by networks)
60721200 Performance and technology of construction of light industr
60721400 Types of production of light industrial technologies and eq
60722500 Geodesy, cartography and cadastre (by functions)
60730200 Urban construction and organization of communal infrastruct
60730300 Construction engineering: construction of buildings and str
60730500 Design of water supply and sewage systems and Exploitation
60810900 Agronomy (vegetable and horticulture)
60811000 Plant quarantine and protection
60811300 Technology of storage and processing of agricultural produc
60811800 Fruit and vegetable growing and wine-growing
60812100 Technology of cultivation and processing of medicinal
60920100 Social work (working with families and children)
61010300 Sports activities (women's sports)
61040100 Transport logistics (by types of transport)
61040300 Organization of highway actions