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5230900 - "Accounting and audit" (by industry and spheres) - a direction in the field of economics, which includes all spheres of activity of state authorities, legal entities registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan, economic - covers a complex of complex issues. related to the legal and organizational framework, principles of work, ensuring liquidity and solvency.
Objects of professional activity of bachelors in the direction 5230900 - "Accounting and audit" (by industries and spheres):
State authorities, legal entities registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan, their subsidiaries, representative offices, branches and other structural subdivisions located on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad, as well as carrying out entrepreneurial activities without creating legal entities of Users, self-government bodies of citizens, as well as representative offices, branches and subdivisions of non-residents on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academic, research and institutional organizations related to scientific, technical and technological issues, or a complex of accounting processes in the manner prescribed by institutions of the secondary specialized education system and other legislation.
Types of professional activities of bachelors in the direction 5230900 - "Accounting and audit" (by industry and spheres):
- financial and economic;
- accounting, analysis and control;
- organizational and management activities;
- research activities;
- pedagogical (in the system of general secondary and secondary specialized, vocational education);
- entrepreneurship.
Professional qualifications: accountant, accountant-cashier, accountant-auditor, accountant-expert, auditor, chief auditor, chief accountant, chief accountant-expert, chief cashier, controller-auditor, chief auditor, statistician, economist, chief specialist, chief economist, state tax inspector, dealer, manager.

Results for 2021 (Department of Accounting and Auditing)

Results for 2021 (Department of Accounting and Auditing) ...


In 2021, a number of scientific and educational work was carried out by professors and teachers of the department "Accounting and Auditing". ...

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Agreement on innovative and corporate cooperation between the department and the Khorezm regional department of statistics

Agreement on innovative and corporate cooperation between the department and the Khorezm regional department of statistics ...


Agreement on innovative and corporate cooperation between the department and the Khorezm regional department of statistics


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Created an innovative ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK on the subject

Created an innovative ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK on the subject "International financial relations". ...


An innovative ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK on the subject "International financial Relations" was created in collaboration with docent of the Depa ...

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In Khiva, a master class was held for the staff of the room cleaning facilities

In Khiva, a master class was held for the staff of the room cleaning facilities ...


On 25.01.2020 Urgench State University, Faculty of Tourism and Economics, Lecturer of the Department of Hotel Management Jumaniyazova Sharifa Rashi ...

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Mavlonova Barchinoy is Zulfiya's follower

Mavlonova Barchinoy is Zulfiya's follower ...


Mavlonova Barchinoy and Saporboev Otabek, a talented young student of the Faculty of Tourism and Economics, have been published in a collective col ...

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The scientific conferencing of the Center for Advanced Studies under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held

The scientific conferencing of the Center for Advanced Studies under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held ...


On May 24, 2019, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual issues of improving tax administration in expanding the tax base a ...

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Kafedraning ilmiy ishlari

2019 yilda xorijiy nufuzli jurnallarda 5 maqola, respublika jurnallarida 10 maqola, milliy konferentsiyalarda 60 dan ortiq tezis va 5 dan ortiq tezislar xalqaro anjumanlarda nashr etilgan.

Dotsent M.Gulmanov "Xorazm viloyati va Xiva shahrining sayyohlik salohiyatidan samarali foydalanish va uning samaradorligini oshirish strategiyasini ishlab chiqish" mavzusida 2018-2020 yillarga mo'ljallangan amaliy mashg'ulotlar bo'yicha katta ilmiy xodim bo'lib ishlaydi. -201709202)

Kafedra o'qituvchilari tomonidan "Biznes asoslari" va "Biznes rejalashtirish" darsliklari chop etildi.

Shuningdek, iqtisod fanlari doktori I.Abdullayev, katta o'qituvchilar S.Matkulieva, K.Atabaeva va B.Matjonovlar, iqtisodchilarni tayyorlaydigan oliy o'quv yurtlari va kasb-hunar kollejlarining o'qituvchilari, talabalar va talabalar uchun tayyorlangan "Raqobat siyosati" darsliklari chop etildi.

Kafedra mudiri N. Fayzullaev 08.00.15 - "Tadbirkorlik va kichik biznes iqtisodi" mutaxassisligi bo'yicha doktorlik dissertatsiyasini himoya qildi.

Kafedraning katta o'qituvchisi B.Matjonov O'zbekiston Respublikasi Intellektual mulk agentligining 05638-sonli "DGU 05638" sertifikatiga ega bo'lgan "Biznes asoslari" fanidan talabalarning bilimlarini baholash uchun kompyuter dasturini yaratdi.

Auditorlar o'zini o'zi boshqarish organlari uyushmasi tomonidan "Audit sohasidagi yutuqlar uchun" kafedrasining katta o'qituvchisi Sanobar Matukulieva mukofotlandi.