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In the academic year 2020-2023, 54 articles and abstracts have been written by professors at our department, 10 in the Republic, 3 in khogijiu journals, 3 at international conferences, 2 textbooks, 3 teaching aids and 2 monographs have been compiled. Head of the Department "Fruit and vegetable growing", which works in the poultry department.x.f.f.d S.As as a result of his scientific research, Sadullaev invented the variety of melon "Oftob" and patented this variety as a breeding yutuki. the head of the department, Ph.D. S.Sadullaev and other scientific staff of the department prepare articles, methodological guidelines on the distribution, biology, importance in the national economy of plants belonging to the pumpkin family, as well as scientific and practical semi-professional training on the cultivation of melons for students and postgraduates. farm workers.